Petunia vine?

Fox River Valley Are, WI(Zone 5a)

I saw a house that has a flower box growing petunias. The interesting thing is that the petunia was growing up the house, perhaps on a trellis, several feet maybe 4-5 feet and was 4-5 feet wide. I'll try to get a photo before we get hit by frost. Does anyone know of anything like this? It is absolutely stunning. I want to grow this but have no idea what it is except that it looked like a redish petunia.


Intercessor, without a picture... perhaps the "wave" petunia. A neighbor has them growing up her arbor. They have a trailing habit and is absolutely gorgeous. Hers is fushia colored. ;0)

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

Could it have been a morning glory instead? Their flowers are somewhat petunia shaped and they come in all sorts of colors but they are vines. The Wave petunias do trail and I'm sure you could train them up, but they're not going to get very tall or vine-like in my opinion.

Citra, FL(Zone 9a)

One year in Western CO, I brought my potted petunias in the house before frost. I was able to train them to strings up the 7'x9' south facing window. If I remember, they needed assistance with hanging on, since they didn't twist around like vines do. They didn't get beyond 30" because our caretaker didn't keep the temperature in the house above 40 and they froze in November. That's a detriment of all wood heat in a very cold climate - if you go away, you have to get someone to keep the fire going.

They were basic, single, deep purple petunias from the grocery store, not the Wave variety, because this was before it was introduced, at least in my neck of the woods.

Thanks for reminding me of it!

Yes 4paws~ that's exactly what my neighbor did with her wave petunia. Went to check it out and asked directly, as you know there are no strangers when you're talking garden! She had them tied with twine to her arbor. Beautiful, I was lurking in her garden, spying for some other inside tips as well! LOL ;0)

Citra, FL(Zone 9a)

I feel there are no strangers in a garden, yet I'm too shy to stop...but always welcome guests (if they can handle all the dogs...)

BTW, I had gone to do a show in Kansas when the fire went out and the plants froze. It was a mess, but at least I was able to save my bougainvilleas and China Doll. They were in huge pots, unlike the petunias.

4paws~Sorry about the loss of some of your plants, but did you get some good ole Kansas City BBQ while you were here? :0)

Citra, FL(Zone 9a)

It was a long time ago...and my house was like a jungle, so needed some "reductions."

No, I don't recall that I did. :-( We were doing a holiday crafts show with my soups and seasonings, so spent most of the time at that. It was a long drive to get there, and a long way back. On the way back, I-40 closed due to ice and snow. Somewhere I have photos of the truck with camper and the little "covered wagon" trailer behind it. Sheets and rods of ice! We spent the night in a little town with a bar. lol I don't remember the name of it right off, but folks were friendly and let us park there and have bathroom access. 'Course there was no where else to go with the roads closed.

I sure don't miss that kind of cold.

Denver, CO

I happen to be in Western Colorado, and I know of a Petunia that scrambles to the tune of a few feet. The flowers changed colours as they aged. Not showy, but charming.

K. James

Citra, FL(Zone 9a)

Hi James, I saw your location a while back. I liked GJ - I got my teaching credential at Mesa, so lived there and at home, south of Montrose, for a year.

I continue to miss CO. May go back someday. One thing and another brought me here.

Citra, FL(Zone 9a)

Thank you for the link, James. I always grow purple petunias but not from seed. May have to try these.

James, now that is a pretty petunia and a climber no less! Thanks for the link! ;0)

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