Beginning a new adventure, Organic Gardening!

Port Lavaca, TX(Zone 9a)

This is from my diary, I wanted to share it with you because DGers have been the constant reminder that there is a better way of gardening.

Laurie Garretson, has written a column in the Victoria Advocate for a couple of years. In Sept. 2006 the Advocate has changed their format and Laurie will write a column about organic gardening (Gardening with Laurie). She is from Earthworks nursery in Victoria and has promoted organic gardening ever since I have gone to the nursery. I've been curious about the process but didn't think we could really do it here in South Texas where we have lots of pests. I didn't think of it as anything more than home remedies and folk lore. Then when I became more interested in gardening about 2003 I got an infestation of mealybugs and lost some plants. So I began to spray with insecticides. I became concerned about doing that when I learned that I was killing the bad as well as the good insects along with the many lizzards that we had (all named "Larry the Lizzard" by my granddaughters Abbigail and Hannah who thought they were just one lizzard). It really bothered me to be killing "Larry," I would try to chase them away as I was spraying and I would tell them to, "get out of the way" of the spray. Then I was told about a systemic fertilizer/insecticide that I thought was better and I also began to use Neem which is less harmful.

I found Dave's Garden web site, joined Oct. 2, 2003 and was constantly reminded about organic methods.

In Oct. 2006 I read "Texas Gardening the Natural Way: The Complete Handbook" by Howard Garrett the "Dirt Doctor." He is a well known expert on gardening and I trust what he says in the book. He somehow took organic gardening out of the realm of "old wives' tales" and folk lore. It seems do-able and a better way and a new challenge. I'm somewhat scared, of what I don't know, taking an unfamiliar path I guess.

I plan to use Laurie/Earthworks and "Texas Gardening the Natural Way" as my guide for this new adventure. I feel I'll need a lot of hand holding to guide me and coax me along the path.

Edited to add "Gardening with Laurie" web site

This message was edited Oct 9, 2006 2:33 AM

Salt Lake City, UT(Zone 6a)

I envy you your lizzards, I have been experimenting with a small container pond sunk into the ground, trying to attract toads and snakes, still have to get my bathouse put up, all in the hopes of them eating my bugs. I owned an indoor tropical plant care company for 10 years, along the way I met and temporarily hired a lady that had a lawsuit against a greenhouse due to respiratory problems caused by the chemicals used (this is back up in Canada - though we had stronger laws) she really opened up my eyes (was all ready organically prone) to the very real dangers of chemicals that can not be seen or smelled that are used with very little regard to their long term affects.

Nice link wish I had something similar for Utah.

Anyhow, welcome to a new way of living and good luck!

Port Lavaca, TX(Zone 9a)

I'm really having problems finding organic supplies. I have to take a lot of trails looking for them. That uses up time I could spend in the garden. Wanted some horticulture cornmeal and dry molasses. The feed store ordered it but it wasn't shipped to them, they're saying next Thursday. The nursery that carries organic supplies had sold their Thursday shipment by Sat. morning, they said check back next Thur. Walmart is usless, couldn't even find molasses. Got that at HEB. Couldn't find anything at Home Depot. Can't find vinegar, 10-20% acidity or orange oil.

Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

Hey barbur,
Sorry that you are having so much trouble finding organic products. Maybe with the new column in the paper more people with start asking for these products and more places will start carrying them. My HD has the vinegar, orange oil, lava sand, green sand, etc, etc. But this is in Austin.

Garden-ville makes great products. Maybe one of these cities is nearby?

Good luck.


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