
Assonet, MA(Zone 6b)

My husband was digging some holes to help me get my plants in ground. He said he noticed some grubs. Can we still treat for grubs at this late date? Any suggestions would be appreciated. Marie zone 6

Peoria, IL

A few grubs are normal and not harmful. I think the rule of thumb is that it takes more than 10 or 20 grubs per square foot to do damage.

The first week of August is generally considered the optimum time to chemically treat for grubs. However you may want to consider beneficial nematodes which can be applied in the both the spring and the fall.

And if you have "some" grubs and not a lot of grubs you may just want to do some preventative management rather than chemical treatment. Letting your soil dry out between waterings can help reduce the numbers of grubs in your soil.

Assonet, MA(Zone 6b)

Thank you so much. I much prefer prevention!! I am still watering as I hate to give up the color and beauty, and we RARELY have such a long bountifull season. By now we usually have a frost or extreme winds and all is gone - till next year that is. I will be more carefull with watering. Thanks again. Marie z6

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