Weight Loss Challange Oct. 7 thru Oct. 14th

Hughesville, MO(Zone 5a)

I'm sorry to be so late getting this started. I got up late, then had some important phone calls to make.

Breakfast was oatmeal with chopped apples, raisins, and pecans in it. I sweetened it with WheyLow and poured vanilla flavored soymilk on it. I made a large batch so it will be tomorrow morning breakfast too as well as snacks when we need one.

The oldest daughter of the owners of the cafe' has a lot of back pain so she may or may not show up to wash dishes this morning. The dad sent his wife home so she won't be too tired to work this evening. She is nearly 70 and in bad health so we have to watch her carefully. His health isn't in that good either so it takes the entire family to keep things going over there. I'm considered part of the family so I keep in close touch with them especially in times like this to see if they need extra help. I don't care that much about the extra pay, I just want to see the work done and things running smoothly. When business gets really slow in the winter months I don't take extra hour pay anyway. Just the 4 - 8+ evening pay is enough and it makes sure I still have an extra hours job waiting for me when business gets better.

I'm finally getting rid of the congestion in my head. It seems to be almost all in the left sinus cavities. I'm still taking big doses of Vit. C. which is really helping. Hopefully the road work is nearly done as far as the gravel and that kind of surfacing goes. The dust in the air from that has really been bad.

My weight is stabilized at about 135# most days. It goes up and down a couple #s some days. So now I need to get working on getting it to 130# or below for the winter months. I will really have to get walking on the treadmill. Since Jack has the big screen TV working now it is now in the middle of the living room floor instead of the dining room. The living room is nearly twice the size of the dining room so it isn't so much in the way. At least now I can get to the treadmill without much trouble.

Hang in there everyone. Keep up the exercising, measure and weigh portions carefully, and drink the 64 oz. of water daily. I won't recommend more that 64 oz. of water because I feel you are washing out valuable nutrients with more than that. Portion control is essential. Some foods may be listed as free foods because they are low in calories, but that doesn't mean you can eat bushels of them. LOL. You still have to use moderation. If you keep your stomach stretched out to the size needed to accomdate that amount of food you will always feel the need to do so. You need to get your stomach shrunk to a normal size so it will feel full with smaller amounts of food and liquid. Then use smaller plates that hold smaller portions but still look full. Optical illusions can go a long way toward filling you up. Bottom line is that your caloric intake needs to balance with the caloric burning. You have to think about the amount of exercise it takes to burn up that cookie or piece of cake. I am inspired by Vic and Anna who so faithfully do their exercising.

Elaine, we are missing you!! Where have you gone. You are also an inspiration to me. I do hope you report in soon.

Debbie, how are you today? I do hope you can find the reason for your knee pain. Have you tried Glucosomine/Chondrotin?MSM?. I use Spring Valley brand but many others are available. I have found it to help my joints a lot. An over the counter type support or brace may also be a lot of help to you. It will just help to support the joint and relieve the strain and pain. I don't see how it could hurt and it just may help a lot. Too much Advil and ibuprophen(Motrin)can be very hard on the stomach and lead to bad ulcers which may never totally heal. Been there, still living with the ulcers.

GOD bless and keep each of you.

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