Lettuce or Spinach?

Archer/Bronson, FL(Zone 8b)

Sounds silly doesn't it? Well, we did a veggie garden last spring and was not successful at all. That garden bed needs to be amended lots more before I get any decent yields from it.

So, when cool weather planting time came, I rounded up as many seed types as I could that will grow in cooler weather, according to the people who live in this zone/area. So my ds helped me to haul up amendments, digging deep to mix it up with our resident sand. He put some posts in and deer netting up and told me to git to it.

I got as much planted as I could in the small area, keeping the rows short and sweet and probably crowding things a bit, but I think it's going pretty well. Within a week everything germinated except the carrots, and they still haven't after a month +. Although I love sugar snap peas, they evidently hate me, because even though they germinated, they did not thrive.

The corn is really impressive as are the white and red lima beans. Some of the sweet peppers that didn't produce in the old bed, transplanted here are now making little peppers.

That deer netting that we put up seems to be keeping the rabbits and the deer at bay, but early on, my dogs smelled the composted manure stink and felt it was worthwhile to rip holes in my nettings. They got in and dug around and messed up my nice neat little rows so the salad stuff is scattered about.

All this long windedness leads me to: What is this, lettuce or spinach? I tasted some, but what do I know. I will throw it in a bowl with some iceberg, tomatos peppers, cukes and smother it with bleu cheese dressing. I am merely curious.


Thumbnail by MollyMc
Belfield, ND(Zone 4a)

My vote is that it's spinach.

Archer/Bronson, FL(Zone 8b)

Thanks Joan, and that is good news. Nothing to be caught out here, just healthy spinach!


So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

Looks like spinach, but what does it matter? I use it in salads, rarely get enough to cook.

Archer/Bronson, FL(Zone 8b)

Yeck, and I would never cook spinach. I love it in salads though.


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