honeysuckle vine ?

La Salle, MI(Zone 5b)

Hello, I hope someone can help me, I have a late dutch HS and was wondering if I need to cut this back now or in the spring?

Thanks Connie

Jackson, SC(Zone 8a)

connie i dont cut my honeysuckles( have several varities) back until the spring when new growth starts showing up maybe not until it is really going so i know no new growth is coming off the dead. i actually just cut the dead out of one a couple of months ago. a few of mine are still blooming yet.

i just mulch heavy during winter then take it off beginning of spring and see where its gonna grow from. on my pink lemonade one i trim the dead out all summer. i hope this helps Marie

La Salle, MI(Zone 5b)

yes that helps alot :o) OH pink lemonade sounds sooo pretty... Do you get seed from your honeysuckles? I would love to get other varieties, My dh paid dearly for this one and it was almost gone. Right now there are some leaves at the top but the bottom ones are all gone, It only had 2 flowers on it in July... I am hoping it winters well for me...
Do the roots travel like other vines? (all over the place)


Jackson, SC(Zone 8a)

mine havent. mine stays put. its just the above ground stuff i have to train. i havent seen any seeds yet on mine but that could be the squirells eating them too. i will look and see if any of mine have any seeds yets.

lots of water is good for honeysuckles. mine get water once a week maybe twice more in the summer.

http://davesgarden.com/pf/go/31415/index.html here is a pic of pink lemonade.

i found alot of my honeysuckles like at lowes and home depot. also look at local nurseries. there are some wonderful sites that sell them too. good luck in adding to the collection.

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