For Glenda and the Gang, Pandora on my shoulder

Antrim, NH

I made this little movie the other day. I was videoing another chicken I have for my/her chicken blog and Pandora jumped on my arm, so I turned the camera around to face us. It's very short. Enjoy.

I have to be careful that she doesn't peck my eye, as it is shiny. :)

This message was edited Oct 6, 2006 4:35 PM

Fowlerville, MI(Zone 5b)

THAT'S AWESOME!! Now all you need is an eye patch and the two of you can "go on the road"! Maybe the David Letterman Show!!

...I've never seen such a thing. I have only one burning question... WHY? Is that where you keep her treats; cracked corn maybe?? ;) There's gotta be a country song in this somewhere....

Thanks for the video Backyard Hen! You made my day! Give Pandora a little pat on the head for me!

~:> Glenda

Hastings, MI(Zone 5b)

Oh. I can't see it. we have 21k dial up and nothing
gets through. Do you have a plain old picture of this
wonder bird?

My chickies won't even let me touch them. Oh well.
Thats ok. They lay good eggs.

Antrim, NH

I'll see if I can get a picture this weekend. In the video, I was trying to film something else when she interrupted. She's so funny!

I don't know why she does it. When she was a chick I handled her and the two others a lot. She was always really curious ( hence the name Pandora) and likes to fly. When they were first feathered out, all three chicks would fly up to my shoulder when I was sitting in the coop. Then they'd squabble up there! I But now that they are older, only Pandora does it, the sex-link and the buff orpington have stopped. I put my foot down and do not allow chicken on my actual head!!

But, pretty much without fail, if I hunch down to see another chicken, or sit in the coop, Pandora jumps up on my back or shoulder. If I happen to have food, I do feed her up there, but it doesnt seem to be entirely based on food. Who knows? Maybe she just likes the view!

Arr, mateys! I be a chicken pirate!

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