A great article on roo management and more

Antrim, NH

hey gang.

I found this guy's website and it has TONS of good FYI stuff on chickens, including this article on managing aggressive roosters.


Fowlerville, MI(Zone 5b)

Great article Backyard Hen. I enjoyed the humor woven into it! My favorite part of the article was "...If he decides that you're a rooster, he will attack you. After a brief battle he will decide one of three things: (1) He won, and therefore you are supposed to act submissive unless you want a rematch. (2) You won, and therefore he will act submissive until he decides it's time for a rematch. (3) It was a tie, and therefore there has to be a rematch.

I can't say that this article encouraged me, but it did let me know what I'm in for with my Millie Fluer rooster who acts like he's in the military (he looks like he's marching all the time - I think it's because of the feathers on his feet). We lovingly call him, "The General".

This message was edited Oct 6, 2006 10:28 AM

Falls Mills, VA

Good info........still laughing about '.......people and dumplings'!

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