
Mysore, India(Zone 10a)

They are not exactly friends... are they? They do some damage. This one was squeaking and squeaking at me and I don't know why. They are so restless and afraid to come near humans. It went on this dry branch to shout.

Thumbnail by Dinu
Berkeley, CA(Zone 9a)

I really dislike mine. They eat all my plums in July and my apples now. Anyone know how to discourage them?

Aurora, CO(Zone 5a)

My squirrels dig holes in my garden and all over my yard, eat my rhizomes, and then chuff angrily at me from one of MY trees. They've really stopped being cute.

Mysore, India(Zone 10a)

I think we have to bear with them and stop getting angry over their mischiefs! These fellas make holes in my house wall (near the tiled roof) and stay there by collecting all rags and fibres for cushion and warmth. I think we will be wasting time to keep them away.

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6a)

I dont mind squirrels in the yard but NOT in the house!!

They steal my tomatoes, so I have learned to plant enough for them and myself and other animals that steal them. That way I dont get so mad. One plant for me, one for the rodents, one for the deer, one for the neighbors. That way I get the right amount for everyone.

Dinu: You really should get them out of your walls... They are a fire hazard!
They chew on the insulation and the insulation on electrical wires that can spark the wires to start a fire.

Mysore, India(Zone 10a)

That's a good warning jenbrink. Though our house has old wiring that is encased in wooden 'pattis', I think it is relatively safe from these animals, but are a threat from termites and cockroaches. Will look in to that.

That's a good attitude, practical. Sharing. In fact, that is the essence of life.

Aurora, CO(Zone 5a)

I guess I'm a selfish, greedy SOB then. I bought those bulbs and rhizomes. They're MINE. The squirrels can just dang well get their own. I don't steal their peanuts, after all.

Mysore, India(Zone 10a)

If they get their food somewhere else, they may reduce their stealing and damaging?? But then we are providing them a good place to dig about -- we even water the soil and make their job easier!! They don't know they are stealing!! I think the choice is between letting them do or to protect the area with nets and all which is cumbersome. Or to live with it.

Gainesville, FL(Zone 9a)

i just moved the greatest ginger out front...nice big red blooms. within 24 hours...the squirrels had torn that pup up. broke off the stems getting to the flowers to eat. I know the lady at the giner nursury has to give them poison peanuts to keep them away...now i see why. In the last week alone...I have lost 21 buds off a rose bush ( every last one). Hardley any acorns have fallen yet this year...i sure hope they start soon...!

San Francisco Bay Ar, CA(Zone 9b)

Have tried putting cotton balls wetted with a little peppermint oil around the bulbs when you plant them?
If their usual food is in short supply this year, the squirrels have to resort to desparate measures. Our hardware store sells pumpkin seeds for squirrel food. If you make something available for them to eat, away from your bulbs (which are surrounded by peppermint oil cotton), you may be able to find a truce.

Concord, CA(Zone 9a)

Tree rats is what I call them. They are a pain. They dig holes everywhere including potted plants, hanging baskets. They eat the oranges, tomatoes and lots of rhizomes. They eat the bird seed, dog food ect. I got some of that spray to keep them away but it doesn't work that great. There is alot of natural food in my yard so why do they dig up plants I have in hanging baskets? I swear they sit in the trees and throw walnuts at me. lol. Anyone have any suggestion to get rid of them, I'm listening.

San Francisco Bay Ar, CA(Zone 9b)

jltbaw, have you tried the peppermint oil? Seems to work for a lot of folks. I put some out to discourage the actual tree rats (big eared, long skinny tail rat aka roof rat) from moving into the attic. Unfortunately it also kept the squirrels away, so my cats were very upset with me.

Concord, CA(Zone 9a)

Where do you get the peppermint oil? I can't wait to try it. I did try garlic oil but it didn't really work. Do I just put the peppermint oil on the soil, plant or on cotton balls? Thanks for the info

San Francisco Bay Ar, CA(Zone 9b)

Peppermint oil is usually available at a natural foods store. I put several drops on cotton balls and tucked them in at the base of the siding where the rats usually try to climb in. There are a few other threads on DG pertaining to this.


Aurora, CO(Zone 5a)

I swear my squirrels enjoy garlic. I'm going to look for peppermint oil online. I've had some luck with hot pepper wax, especially when applied directly to the squirrel as well as to the rhizome. (Mua ha ha ha ha!)

When I planted my last batch of rhizomes, I used hot pepper wax, crushed oyster shells, red pepper flakes, and liquid fence. I haven't been out since Monday to check and see if I have any rhizomes left, though. It's been too dark and cold when I get home.

St. Louis, MO(Zone 5b)

rofl White_Hydrangea, I do agree with you--the plants and bulbs are mine mine mine!

We have a large oak tree and two chestnut trees in our yard, and similar trees all around. They go from yard to yard to yard without touching the ground. I have given up on fighting the squirells too much because they're not going anywhere.

I have found that they don't like bloodmeal or cayanne pepper. My main war however is with the chipmunks digging in my flowerbeds. I am doing the peppermint oil/cotton ball thing suggested in this thread: http://davesgarden.com/forums/t/627924/

Aurora, CO(Zone 5a)

Squirrels are clever and mean. I always knew it. This proves it.


What is it about the animal kingdom lately? Did they all have a conference and decide that they were going to start hunting humans for a change?

Saint Simons Island, GA

When i first moved here i fed the squirrels and they must have come for miles around, they drove all the birds away from their feeders so i stopped feeding them both. Things calmed down abit until i had a bumper crop of pig nut hickory nuts. Now the from-seed back lawn i have nutured and fed for two years looks like a world war 1 battlefield full of foxholes. one neighbor has taken to shooting them out of the trees with a BB gun after they pulled up his fall garden. Any ideas on foxhole repair?

Dewitt, MI(Zone 5b)


No squirrels were harmed in making this video.


Dewitt, MI(Zone 5b)

There is an animal conspiracy, ya know?


Dewitt, MI(Zone 5b)

Just in case you didn't know about the asian carp the Tim speaks of, here they are:


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