Potato vines running wild :)

Mesa, AZ(Zone 9b)

caterpillers are a challenge though!

Thumbnail by pheitmeyer
Blytheville, AR(Zone 7a)

Oooooh, so pretty. I love potato vine and they make such a showy plant. The squirrels pulled all my potato vines out of the pots and don't know if they are eating the vines or decorating their nests. Early in the spring I had trouble with gold bugs eating on the leaves but haven't seen the caterpillers. Now the squirrels are taking care of all my pretty vines. Sheverne

Mesa, AZ(Zone 9b)

i used to have rabbits eating my plants in california. i had to turn into elmer fudd every morning to stop that! :)

Houston, TX(Zone 8b)

I just ripped out all of the potato vine that was growing in my back flowerbed. It was choking out everything else, plus something was munching on the leaves. I found a "potato" in the ground the size of a deflated basketball! Monster! I have a bad feeling it will be coming back on its own for years to come. I've already pulled up two sprouts, probably from root particles. :(

Next year I will grow it in pots - it looks beautiful, and it stays contained!

Scottsdale, AZ

I hate to be so ignorant, so I'll ask and then I'll be smarter.

Is this a potato vine grown from a potato (like we all started as kids with toothpicks and a glass of water) or something else? I keep seeing references in threads here and there and have no idea what this plant is and where it comes from.

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Jude, here is a thread with a whole discussion on the subject.The sweet potato vine is usually an ornamental sweet potato grown for interesting leaves not the potatoes themselves. There are several types Margarita, Blackie and a Tri color are the ones I’m familiar with. I had a great time last year starting them I had plenty to share with friends and family.
Greenbud you'ur right about covering everything they really took over my boxes. You could hardly see anything else that was planted in the boxes. There are pictures of my boxes in the thread but they looked pretty bad at the time I took the pictures. We had been away for an extended vacation and the bugs really had a feast. Plus it was towards the end of the season. Earlier in the season they had been beautiful. Just like yours are Pheitmeyer. Holly

Scottsdale, AZ

thanks alot for that thread, I got the info I needed and am starting mine indoors today. Why wait when I can get a jump on it.

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