Can you ID this plant?

(Zone 1)

I'm new to DG.

Does anyone know the ID of this plant? I bought it about 4-5 years ago at an Albertson's grocery store in a small pot. It is a pretty hardy plant, I've rooted cuttings and they take really well. I have also planted the little berries/seeds? and have had sprouts come up, but never took proper care so they could mature. It doesn't bloom, or never has since I've owned it. I call it my string bean plant for lack of a proper name! I have so many plants, sometimes I lose plants (sometimes they are just hiding!)

Anyway, thanks for any info anyone can give. I

Thumbnail by plantladylin
(Zone 1)

Sorry .... it's sideways! You can see that I'm new at this!

(Zone 1)

Let me try one more time:

Thumbnail by plantladylin
SW, WI(Zone 4b)

It looks like a very nice Rhipsalis specimen...but I don't know which one.
The 'berries' are fruits that develop after the plant you must have had flowers...but didn't know it!

If you should want to trade a few cuttings in the future for another type of Rhipsalis...let me know!

WOW! She's a nice *Big* healthy plant!

This message was edited Oct 4, 2006 1:00 PM

(Zone 1)

Thanks Nan! I wondered if it was some kind of Rhipsalis but wasn't sure. As I said, I'm new to this website, but would love to trade. Can you give some pointers on how it's done? How do you mail cuttings? Does the Post Office or UPS allow plants to be sent? How would I package them. Just let me know and I will send some along to you. I have a couple I can just take out of the post, already rooted if you have any idea if they will survive transport. I would think they would, if I can just figure out how to package them.


(Zone 1)

Took some time to do some research on the net. I'm pretty sure it's a Rhipsalis Trigona .... saw some pic's that look identical, right down to the berries! I still like to call it my "Green Bean" plant!

SW, WI(Zone 4b)

Hi Lin! Well...welcome! (sorry I missed that part!)
So, you've never seen any flowers on your plant?

Anyways...yes, the PO does allow plants/cuttings to be sent, there are a few exceptions, CA, AZ and another western state...can't recall that one offhand. There are a few exceptions in which plants or cuttings can be sent to those states, too.

They usually travel pretty well with a bit of moist paper towel wrapped around the ends (as a group) to keep some moisture in, then wrap *that* in plastic wrap or a plastic bag. You can, if you like, then place the 'group' of cuttings into yet another bag (the plastic shopping bags work well).
Then just find a small box that they'll fit into, and fill in any spaces within the box with wadded newspaper, packing peanuts, etc...... It's quite easy!

Do you have other Rhipsalis? If not, I can send you a couple of cuttings of 2 or 3 different plants that I have in return for 2 or 3 of yours.

I guess we can discuss that part via d-mail....have you used your d-mail yet?

I'm sure everyone here would agree, too....we'd love to see photos of any other plants you have...just for fun!

SW, WI(Zone 4b)

oops...guess we were 'typing' at the same time, there!
It does look very 'string-beanish'...I agree!

(Zone 1)

Hey Nan:
Thanks for the info. No, I haven't used D-Mail yet. This is the only Rhipsalis I have at the time, but it's been so easy to care for (or not care for in my case) - it just does it's own thing! I will be glad to trade cuttings with you. I will d-mail you my info right now!


(Zone 1)


I looked at your trade list. I have a couple of Hoya's ..... if you want some cuttings of that also. I have no idea what kind they are! One of mine was given to me as a real small plant almost 30 years ago by an elderly man I worked with. He and his wife had a very small yard, but loved to garden and had so many plants! They both lived into their mid 90's and I still have the hoya to remember them by. I have divided it from it over the years. I'm enclosing some pic's. The "mother" plant is kinda sickly right now, with aphids, I need to get out there and do some spraying! The smaller hanging basket one is not from the original .... don't know where I got it .... maybe Home Depot, as I do get things from there sometimes.

Here's a photo of my pool enclosure ... tried to include a couple of photo's with this posting, but I guess it will only let me send one at a time. More to follow.

Thumbnail by plantladylin
(Zone 1)


Here's a pic of the Hoya's

Thumbnail by plantladylin
SW, WI(Zone 4b)

That's really sweet of you to offer, thank you, and I love the story behind your hoya!
But I already have those hoyas.....I've become a 'hoya connoisseur', LOL!!

I don't know their ID"s offhand, but you could find out if you posted your photos to the Hoya forum.

(Zone 1)

It's me again: The new DG'er, plantladylin

Here's another photo of some of my plants and area of screen enclosure.

If this isn't the correct place to be posting this, someone please let me know! I don't want to step on anyone's plant toes!

Thumbnail by plantladylin
(Zone 1)

I not only collect plants .... but, birdhouses too! Have quite a few in the yard and the decorative ones inside my screen room!
Here's one of our 4 cats in a favorite spot!

Thumbnail by plantladylin
(GayLynn) Appleton, WI(Zone 5a)

Lin, Love those birdhouses. Very nice collection. I have a few scattered here and there. Nothing like your beautiful collection. Thanks for sharing.

Gay Lynn

SW, WI(Zone 4b)

Oh, you're definitely in the right place, girl! (Ü)

Everything is lovely!
I could just 'plop' right down there below the kitty....the room is so bright and inviting.

I'm 'partial' to birdhouses myself, but don't collect them......yet......(LOL!) but have a sister-in-law who does....or did...until she had to 'childproof' her living room!
Love your collection and the way you have it displayed.

(Zone 1)

Thanks for the compliments: I just love birdhouses .... some folks wonder why I would have them inside since all the birds are outdoors! I have them in the yard too, but the ones inside the screen enclosure and Fla room are just for decoration. Some of my birdhouses are cheap ones and flimsy, some are ceramic, some metal, some wood. I have a few that are churches, a few that are lighthouses. The most expensive one is on a post in the yard...we were on vacation in the Smokey Mountains a few years ago, (one of my favorite places) and on the way back to the Knoxville airport to fly home, we saw this guy on the side of the road doing the chain saw art stuff. Well, they had tons of birdhouses. The one I got is like a condo .... was real pretty cedar when we first got it .... I should paint it or something, it looks bad now. Some folks like that weathered gray cedar look, but I'm not real partial to it. Anyway, we bought this monstrous birdhouse, with directions from the man to the nearest UPS store .... it ended up costing us more to ship it home than we paid for the thing! Nothing has nested in it either ! Woodpeckers have made a couple of the openings larger and I've seen a couple go in and out, but as far as I know, nothing has made it home! I have a large plastic martin house that my nephew gave me for Christmas last year .... we had house wrens take up residence in that last spring and raised some young. Then one day my husband saw two babies hopping along the fence in some vines and shrubbery in the back yard, with mama nearby chirping away! Originally there were 5 babies that I counted .... Snakes must have got them! When we cleaned out the nesting material from 5 or 6 of the compartments late this summer, sure enough there was a snake skin in one of the nests! Later I will post some pic's of the ones in my yard.

I have subscribed to a magazine for years called Birds & Blooms and my husband says that its very fitting for me! One of my favorite mag's! No ads, but beautiful stories and photo's!

Oh yes, Nan, the screen room is bright and inviting at times, but during the summer it is TOO hot to sit there for long. We've had the swimming pool for @ 28 years and haven't used it in years! Well, I am heading out to Home Depot to buy fertilizer for the lawn! I was going to mow this morning but have been out 3 or 4 times and my mower won't start! My husband will have to look at it when he gets home from work. He replaced the starter in my small riding mower a few weeks ago, but now it's on the fritz again! We have a larger rider that he uses, but it's a bit too large for me .... I tend to run into things with it! (not to say that I haven't done that with my smaller rider before) LOL

I agree. Lovely sunroom. I enjoyed your pictures.

I have that very same plant and have never known what it is. Found it in Lowe's or HD last year.


Winnipeg, MB(Zone 4a)

Gorgeous sunroom, Lin! Very inviting with all the lovely birdhouses.
:) Donna

(Zone 1)

Thanks for the compliments Guys! It's a mess out there in my sunroom right now .... plants, dirt, leaves. I'm heading out of town for a week next Wednesday, hope to get some cleaning done before I go. But, knowing me, it will probably have to wait til I return on the 16th! I love Birdhouses, can you tell? I have some out in my yard too.

(Zone 1)


Alamogordo, NM(Zone 7b)

Hi plantladylin
I too have this plant. How do you root yours. I have tried and tried to root mine with no avail. Mine is long and full also and if I remember it bloomed little white flowers. But I could be wrong, it was 2 years ago when it bloomed in the window. I moved it away from the window for a year and realized that I had no blooms. Needless to say it has been back by the window again.
Any tips on rooting them would be great!
Thanks! Teresa

(Zone 1)

Hi Winterhaven:

Im no Master gardener .... I'm just a lucky one most of the time!

My Rhipsalis is fairly easy to root, I just break a branch off at the node and plant it in regular old potting soil. Mine is located on a covered deck in the shade. I only water about every three weeks and it seems to do just fine. I have had this plant about 5 years and I have never re-potted it, but I may do that soon. You said you used to have yours in the window? Did it get direct sunlight? I think I may pot up a few cuttings and try them hanging in a window, I can only hang stuff in East facing window .... we have no windows facing north, which I would think would be a good location for my plants. I love the look of plants hanging in windows and on the sill, but here in our house, we have 4 cats who love to be up in the windows and they won the battle for all windows! But, I have a huge deck out back, all screened, part of it in sun with the swimming pool and the other part with a covered roof. My plants thrive out there - they love the humidity! When it comes to plants, I'm no expert! I have a LOT of plants, but I operate by trial and error! Plants are as individual as people and you can't seem to please them all!

Keep us posted on your attempt at rooting these cuttings.


Alamogordo, NM(Zone 7b)

Thanks plantladylin,
The window it was in gets almost direct afternoon sun. It did okay in lesser light but it didn't bloom. I moved it to make room for my hoyas. When I try to root it, the cuttings just rot. I have even tried to to keep it more dry and just mist it. But I will try again. Maybe if I purposely take cuttings this time. I usually try to root the ones that get broken or fall off.
I will keep you posted.
Thanks for your help! It is a pretty plant! I bought mine at a Walmart.


Dunedin, FL(Zone 10b)

Beautiful home , plants, birdhouses ! plantladylin
Cute cat too !

Questa, NM(Zone 5b)

Hi Lin,

I just browsed through your photos. What a wonderful place! So homey with all the plants. The birdhouses are a sweet touch too. Nice going!


Nevada, MO(Zone 6a)

I am just in awe of all of your beautiful pictures! All of your plants certainly look very healthy and happy. That Rhipsalis is a monster (in a good way)! My mom collects birdhouses. I'm going to show her your pics. We usually try to find a few unique bird houses each year for Christmas to give her. Gardener's Supply Company is usually a good place to look for indoor/outdoor birdhouses.

Thanks for sharing your pics...Stephanie

Dallas, TX(Zone 8a)


I have had this plant for years and have tried to get an ID for it for years. I even had the guy at the Huntington try to ID it. I know it is a Rhipsalis but so far no one has ever been able to ID it. If you ever find out what it is, please let me know. It is my very favorite plant of all plants and I keep mine hanging in my kitchen window. I will not let it go visit my greenhouse because it is just to special for me to let it out of my site. If I ever find out an ID, I will let you know.


(Zone 1)

Hey Jesse:

Someone ID'd it as: Rhipsalis Trigona - Common Name: Mistletoe Cactus ... I still refer to it as my "String Bean Plant"! Have you ever had flowers on yours? I have never noticed any flowers on mine, just a lot of berries, but someone said the flowers definitely come before the berries! I guess I don't pay much attention, since I have so many plants!


Dallas, TX(Zone 8a)

I have a Mistletoe Cactus and it is not the same plant. The cross section of each leaf is a "+" sign and is not slick like the mistletoe cactus. I really do wish I could find out what kind of Rhipsalis I have. Maybe one day I will.


Northern California, CA(Zone 9a)

Jesse, try this site and see if you can ID yours

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