Newbie Needs Help!

Ingleside, TX(Zone 9a) PLEASE dont laugh! I HONESTLY do NOT know anything about this. I am new to gardening.(6-8 months new) I do mainly containers. My question is..I have a Sacred Datura. The pod has dried and cracked open. There are little seeds on top of the soil. I read to "direct sow in the fall". What EXACTLY does that mean? Do I put the seeds in soil? Do I need to water them? How long before I have plants?
Yall, I am really not a totally uneducated woman, but this is a new subject for me. This will be my FIRST try at getting a new plant from ANY of my plants that I have...sooo..can ya help a gal out???

SE Houston (Hobby), TX(Zone 9a)

Go here and post your question.

Lisbon, Portugal(Zone 10a)

LOL babe! I can totally relate......I've been gardening in containers for a while, but never tried seeds... this year, after finding DG, I'll try petunias. I collected the seeds myself, wow! ;-)

I don't have any experience, but I think direct sow means you can put the seeds outside, where the plant will live, not needing any pprevious period of sowing indoors and keeping the young plants inside in seedind trays before you can plant them...

So I'd say you can put the seed on the ground you want the plant to grow in, and then spread a layer of soil over them, and water regularly, but without really soaking the ground.

But I'm sure someone wiser than me will help you out! Good luck!


Lisbon, Portugal(Zone 10a)

See? I told you!


SE Houston (Hobby), TX(Zone 9a)

Look up direct sow in the garden terms file.

Ingleside, TX(Zone 9a)

Thanks My Hiraeth. YOU were very kind..I sometimes think some on here forget they were once new at this..At any rate..I will figure it out. I know there are definitions and all but often first hand experience is the best teacher!

Lisbon, Portugal(Zone 10a)

You'll be ok, turbosbabe, I'm sure! I'll let you know how my petunias turned out (if they turn out at all LOL!)

Philadelphia, PA

turbosbabe, I can sympathize. I'm new too, since this spring, and I've done A LOT of reading to try and learn on my own before I ask a question. But sometimes you're never sure if you've interpreted what you've read correctly and would like to be reassured by someone who knows firsthand. That's what Dave's Garden is for, IMO. And there are far more people who will take the time to answer you than there are who won't.

And you are ahead of me. I'm a city gardener, and if I get approved for a plot in the community garden next year, I'm going to try growing from seed. By then I'll have questions for you!

Lisbon, Portugal(Zone 10a)

wow Wendy, I finally realize what a community garden is! What a great thing! Wish we had stuff like that over... I garden from containers only, and have no chance of a plot anywhere....!

So tell me, do you have garden areas that are divided into lots and then you garden in your plot? And is it reserved for your use only?

I'm sorry if these questions sound silly but I do love the notion - it is a way of making the city look a lot better and making people happier!



Ingleside, TX(Zone 9a)

Wendyvic..Gosh, it has been forever since I had heard about community gardens! That is sooo totally cool! I tell ya, I have done some vegetable gardening in the past. I grew up in East Texas..But, I am not so sure about down here..The soil is sooooo sandy...I guess I need to talk to some fellow South Texas DGers and get some input..I wish you lots and lots of success with yours!!..I wonder if a good garden WOULD grow down here..if I could find anyone interested in doing that around here..hmmm...

(Zone 1)

Hey Turbosbabe96:

I'm new here too at the DG website ... day 5 for me! .... and I've found so much info and some really nice plant people!

I direct sow seeds all the time, DIRECTLY into pots, even though the meaning is supposedly to sow them directly in the garden! LOL. I have sown seeds of coleus, vinca, etc. ( one time 32 years ago, even cacti) ... and the plants stayed in the containers! I have been known to transplant seedlings to the garden, but a lot of my stuff stays in pots! Here in Central Florida I could put seed right in the ground, but I prefer to sow in pots, then decide later what I want to keep in pots and what I want to put outside in the ground.

Have fun and keep us posted on your Datura seeds. Maybe you should direct sow some of the seed in your garden and some in pots too! I don't know anything about that particular plant, does it get real big? Does it have pretty flowers? Maybe you can post a photo sometime, I would love to see what it looks like! I will have to do some research and see if that particular plant grows in my zone.

MyHiraeth: Let me know how your Petunias turn out ... I will have to try Petunias seeds sometime!


(Zone 1)

Are the Datura the same as Brugmansia's - they are listed as Angel Trumpet at one sight as are Brugtmansia's!

Ingleside, TX(Zone 9a)

The blooms on mine looked nothing like the pic Brugtmansia posted. The flowers are really pretty. However, as I have learned the plant DOES have drawbacks. The above link by gymgirl leading to the plant is a good place to see them..I am not sure I am going to continue with this plant or not..It is just so hot down here..even NOW..I have hibiscus..I have mandevilla..Salvia..and others that are common down here..I want something different..pretty..fragrant..colorful blooms...Maybe I am asking too much!!

(Zone 1)

Hey again:

That link just takes you to a page where someone was trading seed back in March!?

Ingleside, TX(Zone 9a)

Hmm..ok..well go to Plant Files..and click to the page where you can type in what you want to look for..Datura..will bring up info..Also, let me ck my D-mail..I think I still have one from a very helpful DGer with a great link on the plant!

Ingleside, TX(Zone 9a)

Sorry..again! Go to the Home page for Forums..Click on Datura..scroll down till you see my post..I tried to do it here..I dont have the hang of everything yet! I hope this helps..even if ya hafta go half way round the world to get to it! ;-)

Deep East Texas, TX(Zone 8a)

You girls hang in there, we were all new at one time. I been here a year and still feel like a beginner. Datura and Brugmansia are the same family. Brugs are a large shrub with trumpet shaped blooms hanging down, common colors are yellow, white and pink. Datura have a similar bloom pointing up with common colors of white, yellow or purple. Most of both of these are fragrant. Datura is commonly called angels trumpet here (in my area) and the Brugs are known as trumpet trees. They may take a good bit of water for you T'babe. I keep mine in pots to keep them watered easily and overwinter them.

Ingleside, TX(Zone 9a)

podster!! East Texas!! That is HOME!! Well, I mean, that is where both I and my DH grew up..In fact, didnt leave the area until about 7 years ago..Sure is different down here on the coast!..Anyway, ya neighbor has a..well, a small tree, in a container on his deck..He calls it Angel Trumpet, but again, looks so different..Not the blooms, but the leaves, limbs or whatever that part is called. It is absolutely beautiful..well, the blooms are..They are ..heck, I dont know how to describe the color. sort of peachy orangy.....I know one thing..I have seeds out the gazoo right now from my Datura..So, I guess it is time to sow them?

Deep East Texas, TX(Zone 8a)

T'babe ~ you are in a milder climate. I won't sow datura seed till early spring here but don't know about your area. I am thinking of trying winter sowing a few of these seeds this year. Its' an idea I never heard of before DG.
BTW, can you slip over to your neighbors and take a photo of his 'angel trumpet'? Sounds very pretty.
What part of east Tx did you live in? I found it is a large area, like all of Tx. : ))

Ingleside, TX(Zone 9a)

Hey pod..Will do my best to get ya a pic on here tomorrow! He said his tree at his place he has in Kingsville has so many blooms the tree is bowed! He said the fragrance is soooo nice..bout knock ya off yer socks!
Our hometown areas are around Palestine, Rusk, Jacksonville area..We lived for a lot of years in Huntsville after we got married..well, before, too..I have family scattered all over East Texas from down around Beaumont and Sour Lake to Henderson and on up to the Dallas area. I like it down here, but I tell ya..there is just nothin like the Piney Woods..especially on a cool, crisp Fall day!!..Where are you located? Are you from the area?
You are so right on Texas being big..We have it all..mountains, desert, hill country, piney woods, beaches..well, you get the idea. Lots of folks hear the word Texas and they think nothing but tumbleweeds and cattle! LOL!
Like the slogan says....TEXAS..A WHOLE 'NOTHER COUNTRY!!!

Deep East Texas, TX(Zone 8a)

Lord ~ I lost this thread. Tried to post twice the other night and it wouldn't go thru. Have thought about it many times and never got back to it. I am east of Nacogdoches, about 10 miles from Toledo Bend reservoir. Pretty darn close to La. I've been to Rusk ~ Palestine and rode the train. Really neat but there is talk of shutting it down on the first of the year. They want to turn that area into a reservoir to serve the D/FW area. Progress! No I'm not a native Texan, moved here in 1975.

This is a photo of my front yard. Thought you might enjoy the pineywoods view. So far in the woods, we're looking at last weeks sunshine. : )) pod

Thumbnail by podster
Ingleside, TX(Zone 9a)

Pod..Thanks sooo much for a peek of "home". Looks like the cat is nice and comfy! I have an orange Tabby I rescued. He is named "Bob" per my 2 and half yr old grandson, Alex. Yes, I have been reading about the RR. I read a few newspapers online everyday, one being the Herald Press, from Palestine. I actually have some East Texas Pines in my yard! Can you believe? The original owner went to a nursery there back in the 70s and bought some, brought them here as seedlings. They have done well. When I saw the pines and all the oaks, told DH, THIS is the place I want! Has shade, which is a MUST down here..shoot, anywhere in Texas ! And also the had the pines. When we found out where Mr. Wilson got them, I KNEW this was going to be home for us.
Well, gotta run..Going to Corpus afterwhile. We are also avid coin collectors so we are going to do some "wheeling and dealing!"

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