still blooming

Roopville, GA(Zone 7b)

i have got daylilies still blooming. i never have them blooming this late! i am definetly not complaining : ) any of you have daylilies still blooming???


Thumbnail by lovesdaylilies

I noticed a reddish one blooming in our church garden!


Greensboro, GA(Zone 7b)

I am in Greensboro and have a few that are reblooming this year - some are in the shade and some are in my daylily bed. They are usuall y long gone...but then my azaleas are almost all in bloom again and they aren't encore!

Thomson, GA

My garden is very new, so I really don't expect my daylilies to be blooming now; maybe they will next year. However, on a trip through town today I saw some growing in the town square garden. Not sure, but they looked like good ol' Stella D'oras.

Cordele, GA

Yes, I still have daylilies blooming. This has been a great year for rebloom. I think that, if I were still watering that portion of the garden as frequently as I did during the heat of summer, I would have more scapes now.

I also had an iris, Frequent Flyer, rebloom in September. It did not make as dramatic a show as the spring bloom, but it did bloom.


Deep East Texas, TX(Zone 8a)

I love the Ga gardening forum. You girls do know how to garden!

Roopville, GA(Zone 7b)

hasn't this been a great growing season! i love fall as it is my favorite season but i do hate to see blooming coming to an end! i would love to see any pictures of any flowers you have in bloom.

wow a reblooming iris! now we are talking! have any pictures?

Paris, TN(Zone 6b)

Our tulip tree put out a few reblooms this past month, which I thought was quite odd. Anyone else have that? We don't have but a few daylillies (tiger I think) and crinums and neither of them rebloomed.


Cordele, GA

If you have recently moved the crinums, you can expect them to sulk for a while. They really resent being moved. Although I have found that they seem to resent it less, if you move them in the early spring before they are in full growth.

The tulip magnolias can bloom at odd times. The big old forms of the purple magnolia in Birmingham seemed to have two distinct bloom periods, early to mid spring and early summer. I remember one tree, long since cut for apartment development, that was the size of a common white magnolia. It boomed twice a year consistantly.


I have a re-blooming iris that is very reliable. It's been putting on a bigger show this fall than in the spring..however, it's been hot this week so the blooms are fading fast. It isn't scented in fall, but it is in spring. It's a dwarf iris with white flowers that have a bluish cast to the flowers.
I had a hydrangea bloom these last few weeks. It was cutting grown, 3 years old and these were the first blooms.
Little Gem Magnolia blooms at odd times for me!


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