Black and Blue Salvia

Long Island, NY(Zone 6b)

I just found out that these salvias grow from tubers? I also discovered that I can treat them like my dahlia's and dig them up and store them for the winter. Does anyone do this? When do you dig them up? Do you have success? Do you have any tips to offer? I am very excited as I really loved the profuse flowering.


Centennial, CO(Zone 5b)

Yes, I would like to know about this also. I "discovered" that they had tubers one year as I was planting my spring bulbs and found the tubers, half rotten where thay had frozen in the ground.

Athens, OH

I just pot them up in Promix, let them bloom till they are done, and then put the pots in the garage. I water very sparingly during the winter. In the Spring, when they show growth I put them near a sunny window and water.

Browns Mills, NJ(Zone 6b)

Anita, I bought one a few weeks ago. I'm letting mine stay in the ground because it says it's hardy to 0. I'm just going to mulch heavily because I'm right on the border of 6b and 7a, I guess I'll see what happens next year. Andrea

Pontotoc, MS(Zone 7b)

Oh dear me ! I have to dig them up and throw them OUT in order to thin them out ! They are almost (well,not Black and Blue, but the solid blue guaranitica) invasive in my daylily beds ! At least we don't have to save tubers. they overwinter VERY WELL here !!!

Appleton, WI(Zone 5a)


Anita - I saw the title and had to make sure you weren't beating up plants again.

Modesto, CA(Zone 8b)

Ahhh, my Black and Blue Salvia. My favorite. I'm glad to hear it produces tubers because it is taking over one of my perennial planters. I will dig up the extras and pot them up for the RU next year! Boy, won't I be popular???? tee hee


Albany, OR(Zone 8a)

Well, will any of your guys be willing to trade or do postage for some of the tubers of the 'Black & Blue' salvia then??? I had a plant of this and it didn't make it thru the winter. Too young, I think.
Just let me know guys.
Thanks, Carol

Long Island, NY(Zone 6b)

Thanks for looking out for me Al!

I hope I do have tubers. I'm guessing I will be pulling them up in a few weeks along with my Cannas and Dahlias. I heard that 4'oclocks also have tubers.

Browns Mills, NJ(Zone 6b)

4 oclocks do have tubers if left in for a good length of time. Don't try to store those because you can shake the seed on the ground and they will come back next year.

La Salle, MI(Zone 5b)

Anita do your salvias have seed also???
I am trying my best to learn lol

Long Island, NY(Zone 6b)

I still can't find any, so I wonder if it is a hybrid and therefore sterile. I'm hoping, therefore, that it has tubers to dig up.

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