The biggest carrot I've ever seen

Belfield, ND(Zone 4a)

Someone brought this carrot into the office today, and I just had to take it's photo and weigh it. LOL

It weighed 1 pound 14.6 oz. I didn't measure it, but it appeared to be about 14 inches long and I could just barely wrap both of my hands around the largest part.

I wish I could grow veggies like this.

Thumbnail by Joan
Long Island, NY(Zone 6b)

holy cow! I bet there were a bunch of rabbits passed out cold next to it.

Hornick, IA(Zone 4b)

Hey that's quite a carrott. kind of matches my sweet tader.

Thumbnail by randbponder
Long Island, NY(Zone 6b)

That's amazing! It must have been sent by heaven!!! It even still has it's wings!

Hornick, IA(Zone 4b)

You are not the first to acuse it of having wings. One of my cousins said it looked like a turkey.
I still need to show it to one of my friends yet tonight. He had to show me his, which was around 3 lb. Now this one shows up WOW 6lb. 8 oz. There was around 15 lbs came from that one hill.

Long Island, NY(Zone 6b)

holy cow...what's in the soil???

Hornick, IA(Zone 4b)

Composted vegie scraps leaf mulch and all my grass clippings, with a little horse poop, all well decomposed.. I put a quite a bit of sand in the mix as well as we have a lot of clay. The soil is getting prety darn good now. Nice black soil the top 10-12" I didn't get it all in one year, it has taken time. I'm thinking about getting another pickup load of horse "stuff" again this fall and till it under again. Let it decompose over winter. Garden space is about 30' x 50'
I did put 25lbs. of lime on this spring. and if you can imagine that is rather thin, although I think it had a part in the mix.Oh yes I forgot I also have a pond that I change out some of the water once in a while. You know where I pump that. That may not all be necessary, but I think it all helps. I don't have any pictures of the cukes but I train them up on cattle pannels, so I don't have to stoop to do all the picking. I saw something the other day. Some one that uses straw bales for gardening. but the part I liked best was that he used steel posts to tie the tomatos to. That is how they will be next year. and if the posts are not tall enough. There is rebar. I have the steel posts, so that will be first.
Oh I didn't raise carrotts this year, I had plenty left form last year. And yes they done really great. I had one that was 2" diameter and really long but it got a little woody still eddible but had to cook a little longer.
Well happy gardening.

Lewisville, MN(Zone 4a)

Here's our carrots we have been selling all fall.
Many are huge, Bolero, Enterprise, & Sweetness II planted May 30, 2006.

Thumbnail by CountryGardens
Hornick, IA(Zone 4b)

Hey look delishious there Bernie. Think I may need to do carrots. again next year. But I know we still have enough to get us through the winter. If not well we will be happy with sweet taders hee hee.
Had one volunteer, Butter nut squash. It gave us 5 good sized squash. I had intended on planting some, but I kind of run out of steam. and took a two week vacation. then spent the next two weeks weeding. well maybe not that long but it seemed like it. Think I am going to do a little experimenting this next year. With the carrots. as well as with some of the sweet taders. I want to see if they will produce as well if they are forced to rank up on a trellis. and just really hump the dirt up on the stems with a little more sand in the mix.???? What is your thought on this?

Argyle, TX(Zone 7b)

Ya'll need to send them carrots to Australia where they have them overgrown jack rabbits that they call kangaroos and that tater surenuff is shaped like a Turkey. I hope I can eventually get my clay built up that good. Take care, Mike

Missouri City, TX

I'm envious of the kolorari. Got some growing for a fall/winter crop - a month old and about 8-10" tall.

Too much clay (still) for carrots, but radishes doing much better this year. Need to add another 400# mix of top soil, sand, and peat moss.

Orgiva, Granada, Spain

What a beauty!! I love carrots, I'm off to sow another bathtub full!!!

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