weather is crazy!

Wichita, KS(Zone 6a)

highs in the 50s last week......forecasted high of 98 today (breaking a 115 year old record)

will probably have snow next week

Columbia, MO(Zone 5b)

I know what you mean.......... One day I will have the AC on and the next the heat........ I am so confused............... :)

Sand Springs, OK(Zone 7a)

we had 40° last week
now in 90° this week .
Hard on my old body

St. Louis, MO(Zone 5b)

Same here! We almost had the heat on a day ago now it's 86 degrees supposed to reach the 90s. Beautiful days though, the best part being the low humidity ☺

The weather is hard on my pumpkins too! They heard the weatherman say" summer's back folks!"and they jumped with wild abandon. "Can we slip and slide this afternoon? " as if an August day...;0)

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

It got to almost 93 degrees at work today but it wasn't as bad as it could have been thanks to the strong winds we had. I can't wait til we get the 80s back!! And lower temps jsut as long they are fall like and not winter like. Don't want winter to hit yet!!

Hughesville, MO(Zone 5a)

I have enjoyed the temps here. I've worked in the yarden most of the past 2 afternoons. Our largest ground level bed is finally almost cleared. I did more seed head pulling, mowing with the old mower, used the electric weedeater, etc. I can't believe the bare areas I see there. We must have lost a lot of plants or I don't remember something. I know there were 2 good size pieces of old carpet down there and I guess that fooled me into thinking the bed wasn't all that large and bare in the middle. Anyway, there are plenty of daylilies, iris, peonies, etc. to go into those bare spaces as well as leaving room for annuals and more perennials in the future. If I get home from town early enough tomorrow I'll do the last ground level bed that is still weedy. I had all of these beds done at least twice before this weeding this summer. If I can get newspapers, feed sacks, etc. down and chips and grass clippings on them there won't be so much weeding to do at least for a while next spring. I burned dried weeds and grasses in 3 barrels today and refilled 2 of them as well as 2 large garbage(50 gallon size)containers. I'll fill another couple with stuff from the last bed so I need to keep trying to burn that stuff as soon as it dries enough.

3 of our roses are blooming again. One is an unknown pale pink given to me, the second one is DGD Cindy's Cherry Parfait, and the third is my Easy Livin. Each has at least one bud besides the lone bloom on it right now. Even one bloom is welcome this time of the year. Hansa bloomed very little this year. I think it needs some serious pruning and watering before winter or at least the watering in case of a dry winter. I did some watering of it this summer but it is a very large shrub and the heat and drought were really hard on it. All that poke weed competeing right around it didn't help. I kept cutting it off and trying to kill it out to no avail. I'm going to try stump rot on the roots this time. Like day after tomorrow if not tomorrow.

GOD bless and keep each of you.

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