Nurseries in Dublin

Lisbon, Portugal(Zone 10a)


Does anyone know of a good nursery in Dublin, Ireland?

I have family staying over there, and I was hoping they could bring me some Origanum "Kent Beauty" - no one's heard of it at the local nurseries here, and I couldn't find a single online shop that ships to Europe...

Thanks in advance!


Caistor, United Kingdom(Zone 8b)

Hi Femanda

Yes the famous Hillier gardens and nursery are in Dublin.................. FANTASTIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

here is a link!


Lisbon, Portugal(Zone 10a)

Hi Mark !

What a great site! And a gardening club, wow! I wish we had that kind of thing here in Lisbon... (sigh...)

However, I went through the site and couldn't find an adress located in Dublin or nearby... then I tried the "Contact us" button and again I only found UK adresses... The page your link opened was about a holiday trip to private gardens, or so I understand...

Would you happen to know where they are?



Caistor, United Kingdom(Zone 8b)

Hiya Femanda

You dont have places like that in your country????

If you contact one of the UK address i am sure they will be able to tell you all you need to know...........!!
Yes it was a holiday trip to private gardens................ but i believe the Hillier garden is available for anyone to visit!!

Write to One of the UK email adresses and i am sure they will help you!!


Lisbon, Portugal(Zone 10a)

Hey Mark!

Yes, you are right, I'll email them and I'm sure they'll give me directions! Sorry, I'm a bit slow this morning LOL!

And no, there are really no places like that over here - I mean we do have fairly large nurseries, and, especially outside Lisbon there are quite a few.
But nothing stately or garden community oriented like that - those large nurseries are open to public, but their main clients would be other companies - for landscaping, decorating, etc. Small gardens are looked at as a bit of an excentricity I guess... Not that the portuguese don't love their plants (LOL), and our window boxes are a part of our culture.. but if you want to go a bit further than that you're on your own.. :-( There are no gardening clubs, or anything like that. There are some attempts at something int that line, promoted by the Botanical Gardens and the Agronomy University. But they are so short on money that nothing ever goes very far. Poor guys!

And of course, gardeners are thought of as people who couldn't find a better job.. It is so sad.. I have a desk job that I'd give up without blinking if I could earn the same working as a professional gardener! (and I don't earn that much, LOL!)....

I'm not giving up, though. :-)



I hate to contradict anyone but Hiller Gardens are just a short trek up the road from me in Romsey, Hampshire, I'm pretty sure they only have garden centres in England.

Caistor, United Kingdom(Zone 8b)


They have a few gardens around the country.......................... as far as i know!!!!

Lisbon, Portugal(Zone 10a)

Well, I've emailed them and I'm anxious to see if they can help! :-)

BTW, if any of you know anyone who might like to trade/sell Kent Beauty, please let me know!!!



Caistor, United Kingdom(Zone 8b)

Kent Beauty............... is that an oregano??????????????

I am sure they will be able to help you Fermanda...............
There are quite a few nurseries etc in Northern Ireland anyway......... i am sure you will find some!!!

This link is to a guy i know called Ian Scroggy, he has a nursery in Northern Ireland............ if you contact him he may be able to help you find some other nurseries as well...........


Lisbon, Portugal(Zone 10a)

Yes, Mark, it is.... the most beautiful oreganum I've ever seen!

Check it out:

And I can't find it anywhere over here...

BTW I followed the link to your friend's site and I loved it! A lovely selection of plants!

Thank you so much Mark! I've set it on my favourites, and I'm planning to go back there for a bit of shopping when I have more plant money LOL!
And I will email him and ask for ideas - he didn't have Kent Beauty, though :-(

Thanks again


Caistor, United Kingdom(Zone 8b)

Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Femanda

Ok, i have sent a few emails to some people i know in the business for you!! Hopefully someone will have Kent Beauty!!
So don't panic, ok?!!!!!

Did you say you have some seed of it????????????????

Everyone needs more plant money...................... including me!!!!!!!!!


Lisbon, Portugal(Zone 10a)

Morning Mark!


You got Dmail!

Caistor, United Kingdom(Zone 8b)

Morning Femanda

You got mail too........................LOL


Sheffield, United Kingdom(Zone 7b)

I bought a Kent Beauty oregano this year and haven't planted it out yet. I have just been looking to see if it has set any seeds, but I'm afraid there are none so I can't send you any. Sorry. There are instructions for growing it from seed in the internet so it might be easier to find a seed supplier than to buy a plant.

This message was edited Oct 4, 2006 6:31 PM

Lisbon, Portugal(Zone 10a)

Thanks for the thought Pat!

I'm ever so happy to say that I've finally found a nursery in the UK that will ship it for me, thanks be given to our friend Mark! :-) He's been a true friend indeed!

How's your Kent Beauty doing? Do you find it to be a carefree plant or is it fussy?

Thanks again, Pat!

Cheers, take care!


Sheffield, United Kingdom(Zone 7b)

Hi Fernanda, The Kent Beauty has been lovely all summer, it is ready to have all the top growth cut off to tidy it up for the winter and has grown lots of new shoots. It is still in a pot, and I think I will keep it in a cold frame over winter and plant it out next spring. The cultivation information says to keep it very well drained, so it doesn't like to get its feet wet!

I'm glad you managed to source one.


Caistor, United Kingdom(Zone 8b)

Oh Femanda

You say the sweetest things.................!!!

Before you know it you will have crocosmia on your balcony too..............!! LOL


Lisbon, Portugal(Zone 10a)


Javea, Spain(Zone 10a)

Hi Fernanda

Can you tell us which supplier it is that will ship plants to the Iberian Peninsula? I might want one too. BTW - I don't know for sure but I did read on a web site (sorry - didn't take note) that it may not come true from seed.... so cuttings or division. Or maybe you can chuck me a bit over when you have some to spare, hey?


Lisbon, Portugal(Zone 10a)

Hi Lizzy!!! I missed you already!!!!! :-)

The site is

They ship to Spain for sure, and Sarah, the ladie who owns the nursery, is a very nice person...
Check out their site, you'll like it!

Of course, I'll be delighted to send you some cuttings!!! They'll probably arrive sometime next week, so I'll keep you posted!

My peppers haven't popped up yet... :-(



Javea, Spain(Zone 10a)

Ooooh - that's ominous! They should only take 2 weeks max. do you think they are warm enough?

I was only joking about cuttings...I'll try that nursery. Thanks.

I bin busy lately - lots of visitors!!!!!


Caistor, United Kingdom(Zone 8b)

ooooooooooooooooo good....................... Sarah is going to be busy!!! LOL

Hi Fernanda, how are you doing?????????


Lisbon, Portugal(Zone 10a)

Hi Mark!! Real busy here... running about as usual!
I'm glad for Sarah, she's a very very nice girl!

How are you?? ;-)


Caistor, United Kingdom(Zone 8b)

Yes she is a lovely lady......................!!

I am fine thank you very much................... busy, but fine!!!


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