Sweet Autmn Clematis: Need Planting placement advise

Cordele, GA(Zone 8a)

I've just been given a rooting of SAC. Now, where's the best place to plant it?
Should I plant it:
1. At the base of a tall lonely pine tree? The tree already has an unknown vine growing up it's trunk which I try to cut down twice a year. Or...
2. At the base of a link fence. This fence encloses an unused dog Kennel on three sides; with the 4th side being the back of our workshop. The fence has uncontrollable MG growing over it at present. Or...
3. At the base of a wooden frame used to support a hanging bird seed feeder. The support looks like a foot ball goal. Wonder if the SAC would start on one side and grow up over and down the other pole?

Since there were some good pictures of SAC on another thread, I 'm in hopes that someone with first hand knowledge of it's spreading habit could help me make a decision.


Katy, TX(Zone 8b)

In your zone maybe you should plant it where it can sprawl but not eat up everything in its path. Mine survives on neglect but sometimes I do have to give it a haircut.


Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

". At the base of a link fence. This fence encloses an unused dog Kennel on three sides; with the 4th side being the back of our workshop. The fence has uncontrollable MG growing over it at present" Deborah...that sounds like a purrrrrfect spot..remember that SAC only gets larger with each passing year as the roots get more and more established..they can grow to be 20 to 30+ feet..so think ahead and give it plenty of room...enjoy your new clematis....Jeanne

Cordele, GA(Zone 8a)

Oh thank you, Ann and Jeanne. I'm leaning toward the fence.

Jackson, SC(Zone 8a)

the ones here have to have some shade. all the ones i have even seen in the wild are in shade under trees. mine is under a big hickory nut tree and it bloomed its heart out this year. partial shade!!! a restruant we frequent has a empty lot next to it with trees and they are so fragrant there its awsome. the one i have in sun didnt do good for me. i am on the border of augusta ga.
but partial shade is best. roots like to be cool. i also mulch it heavily during winter .

hope this helps Marie there are some great links out there about them but this works for me and my bloomed like crazy.

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