What kind of seeds can I plant in my greenhouse?


I would like to plant some more seeds that would grow in zone 5

I have a cucumber plant with baby cucumbers?

Does anyone have tomatoes growing in their greenhouse?

Will rose of sharon seeds grow in the greenhouse?

This seems like fun, except I'm wondering how cold it will get inside when it's freezing outside. We have two layers of 6 ml plastic covering the greenhouse. I'm hoping to cover the inside of the greenhouse with an additional sheet of plastic for extra protection like cricketstomatoes suggested...

Fulton, MO

Hi Eddiegirl,

You are not too far from me!

There are toms hybridized just for the GH. I grow 'Trust.' Just like outdoors, they like heat, light, and fert.

Cucs require even more heat than toms. For cucs, try European varieties. Regular cucs require pollination, usually by bees or other insects...not exactly ideal in the GH. European cucs do not require pollination, and they set fruit without seed.

Do you have heat in the greenhouse? Polyethylene films will permit the heat collected during the day to radiate off rapidly. On a clear night, I expect a GH with plain poly film would be essentially the same temp as the outside air pretty quickly.

Raleigh, NC(Zone 7b)

SB, I think there is at least a 10 degree difference inside and out of a poly grhouse w/out heat. Thats a rough guess, but I don't have a heater going in the grhouses now and I know its warmer in there than outside at night. In one of the houses I have pansies that I am pushing their growth with the warmth of being in the grhouse at night, and in another I just put all the tropicals ( taking up a lot of room in there-think I have too many!) as well as cuttings. I am going to get the heater going in there soon. I think I have a thermometer in one of them and will go check it.

Fulton, MO

Sounds good, TL, let us know. What kind of poly do you have? Eddiegirl, what kind do you have?

Plain poly films without an IR additive are pretty transparent to thermal IR and will lose radiated terrestrial heat more quickly than an IR poly.

I found this excellent link on greenhouse tomatoes: http://msucares.com/pubs/publications/p1828.htm#varieties

I can echo their sentiments that whitefly control is a challenge.

Raleigh, NC(Zone 7b)

I was going to say that I have a double layer-treated all the way, 6mil thick with a squirrel cage fan blowing air between the layers, so it may be that what it is in my houses doesn't count. Good catch SB


To start off; Thanks for the information on plants to grow in greenhouse. The cucumber plant wasn't really too big when I first put it in the greenhouse, not sure if it had any flowers on it. I do get lots of butterflies and there once was a bee buzzing around, I am getting lots of baby cukes on there and am just wondering how long this will last.
Unfortunately I do only have the 6ply , yet it is doubled, so I have 12 ply right? :) I'm hoping to put up an additional 6 ply on the inside for more insulation.

I don't have a watering system and am finding that I have to leave water in those rubbermaid toats and allow the planters to soak the water up from the bottom, that seems to work well for right now.
I need some shade cloth as the only way I can grow house plants is under the table inside greenhouse.
I suppose I will mainly keep my potted perennials from dying from the freezing weather.

I'm working at Wal~Mart now (Much Fun,Yet it's work) Their moto is to work hard and have alot of fun doing it, that is something isn't it? My first cashiers job! And it is getting much better after one full day on the register and getting help of all kinds from everyone I helped, in one way or another. I almost gave up, then I dug in my pocket and remember what my dh had told me about not giving up and all the other kind people. I made it over that rough hurdle.

I will check out the link for greenhouse tomatoes sometime if I find any; our new Wal~Mart is having it's grand opening on the 18th, everyone is truly excited about it. I am grateful I decided to be a part of it after three years of not working after getting injured, giving my notice and getting fired, I felt defeated and yet I dedicated myself to being the best Nana to my first grandson, now he's in Day Care and doing good, having to grow up.

Talk later on,

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