free iris - Atlanta area

Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

I've dug up an old iris bed and have - literally - a couple of hundred iris I have no idea what to do with... these are evergreen, about knee-high, bloom in March/April, have several blooms per stalk and really need good homes!

Anybody interested d-mail me - they are already dug and ready to go!

Dunwoody, GA

Thumbnail by sterhill
Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

this is what I have dug up

Thumbnail by sterhill
Alpharetta, GA(Zone 7b)

I'd love to come get bunch!! I love IRIS! Wenny

Dahlonega, GA

I'd be interested in some.. I can trade yellow cannas if you need any.

Lizella, GA(Zone 8a)

TIA, love those old bearded irs. We had them when we lived in Marietta. I dug some and moved them to Memphis then back to Lizella where they now spread happily in the woods. They smell wonderful too. Elaine

Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

Hi georgiaboonies - I am going to send two more boxes out this morning - gotta leave in a few minutes! But I still have more. I probably won't dig anymore until next weekend unless it cools off. Too much to do in the shade garden, and too hot out front!

I don't think these would do too well in the woods - They want really hot full sun.

Thomasville, GA(Zone 8b)

OMG I just got my box o'iris........thank you so, so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

they are very happy. I am being a very virtuous person and sharing some with friends but it will be difficult.............

thanks again!

Erin (plantnutga)

Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

Hi Erin - wow that was quick! They were just sent yesterday!

Don't worry about sharing - these reproduce like rabbits and you'll have plenty to go around. I'll bet I've given away over 500 by now. I am tired of digging them so I am going to take a break for the rest of this week.

Just make sure the rhizome sticks up out of the ground about half way, and don't give them too much water (once you get them established) and they'll do great.

Glad you have them,

Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

OK - the iris offer is now officially closed.

I have several people in the line up for the next "digging" but if you have not heard from me via d-mail, there are no more iris to be sent. Thanks to everyone who has 'adopted' these extras!

There are hundreds of these wonderful iris all over the country now!

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