Crocosmia doesn't bloom

Conyers, GA(Zone 7b)

I have had Crocosmia Lucifer in my garden for three years. It has never bloomed. Foliage comes right up and stays, but no blooms. They are in full sun late spring and all summer. Any ideas about how I can get them to bloom?

Evans, GA(Zone 7b)

Are they in the sun? - which they like as well as a moist soil. I had some in one area that did not bloom this year. I think they were overcrowded.

Deep East Texas, TX(Zone 8a)

I think water ( or lack of water ) may be the answer here. Mine start came from the Northwest. They did well the first year. I planted in morning sun, afternoon shade as our summers get too hot. This year was horribly dry and they produced few blooms. A few I had potted up for a friend received regular watering and they bloomed.
BTW, you do let the foliage turn brown and die back before you cut, mow or clean it up? The blooms need the foliage to store nutrients for the next bloom season...

Conyers, GA(Zone 7b)

We had drought conditions here all summer, and we have permannent state wide water restrictions. I ran the drip hoses weekly, but still had problems with the beds drying out. Maybe that is the answer. I do let the foliage turn brown before cutting back. The corms were really small when I first planted them three years ago and I thought that could be part of the problem with no blooms last year. Even with no blooms, mine have multiplied like crazy so I will try digging some and putting them in a large container. Hopefully I (and the hummingbirds) will see some blooms next year.

Thanks so much for your suggestions.

Deep East Texas, TX(Zone 8a)

I noticed the corms were very small when I planted mine also, which I think is normal. I am suspicious of lack of moisture causing mine not to bloom as well. Best wishes... pod

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