Bread Fruit Tree

Hollywood, CA(Zone 9b)

I saw this tree on a recent trip to Hawaii and I have to get one. Anyone know where to find one?



Thumbnail by lroot
Raleigh, NC(Zone 7b)

That brings back memories, iroot!! I used to live way up a valley on Maui and there was a breadfruit grove right behind my house-huge trees. I use to eat the breadfruit when they fell to the ground. Baked them and they were so good. Unforntunately, the wild pigs loved them too and whenever they were in season, the pigs came by to eat them as well. While they were there, they would take the opportunity to destore my veggie garden. I used to hear them at night, snorting away as they dug up everything. They were pretty loud!

Poquoson, VA(Zone 7b)

Top Tropicals seems to carry them - although when I just looked, they were out. But here it is anyway..

Northern California, CA(Zone 9b)

These guys have it. They are in Oceanside.

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