Concrete lily couch coming along

Ulster Park, NY

Hi all, I'm relatively new and haven't posted much on this forum yet.
Here are some pictures of my garden couch, which started as a 14" thick slab and is now being built up.
I normally have to work weekends in September, this year I wormed my way out of it, a good thing, since
the reinforced back has been a drawn-out business, just a few inches a day possible.
Today I finished the first coat on the front (the picture is a few days old).
The next picture will show the rebar support in the back, hope it will reassure you, Tango. I know it looked
very skimpy on another picture you saw, partially because the outline rebar was spraypainted (so I could see it, stepping back),
The whole back was quite rigid before I started building.

I've only used portland/sand or portland/stonedust so far. Now I think it might be time for some bonding agent.
Any particular advice on that would be helpful.

Thumbnail by noknok
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