Gardening chores - What are you doing now?

Cordele, GA

I am off for intercession next week so I am planning my fall attack. I picked up two jugs of Preen, 20 of the cement scalloped edging blocks, and the next purchase will be mulch, mushroom compost and cow manure. I hope the weather stays beautifully cool as it is today, so that I can really enjoy working in the yard.

The weeds really got ahead of me this summer. I just never caught up. Starting now , I shall be waging chemical warfare armed with Roundup and Preen.

I would like to be out in the yard today, however there was a death at one of the neighborhood houses and there are all sorts of dressed up people coming and going. I did not know the family but I feel strange working in the yard right now. I guess that I will wait for everything to settle down befor I unload the edgers from the back of the van.

Any way who is doing what right now?


I'm waiting for next payday to order my mulches. The plan is to mulch everything well to smother any weed seeds for next spring, put down more mulch between raised veggie beds, and also to expand that area with two more beds...that gets the dirt and manure piles out of the driveway :)
I plan to dig up areas along the mailbox (AGAIN!!) and put in some more Mr. Natural, and ammend a few other areas that I over ammended a few years ago. Now they are very dry, too dry. Won't old moisture.

Plant a few shrubs, switch a few things around...continue cutting back as needed and collecting seed when ripe!


Tyrone, GA(Zone 7b)

I also had a battle with weeds this summer. (and lots of fire ants). Hubby and I just finished adding an additional 100 bales of pine straw to existing beds. Some of the beds that had a particularly bad case of the "weedies," I added a good layer of newspaper before the new mulch was applied. Hope this helps.

Jackson, SC(Zone 8a)

i am raking out my bed to let the new pine straww fall on them. i am also starting to rake up after my bradford pears.

i just got done with my newspaper and mulching around the rose bed and most of my trees. now i have to tackle my raised beds and get them ready for winter.

they say its gonna be in the 40s tonight here. guess i better get daughters banana tree ready to dig up in a few weeks.

then i have 2 acres to mow hopefully for the last time this season.

then last but not least fire ant the yard.

we took the pool down last weekend.

Deep East Texas, TX(Zone 8a)

I know the answer to this one! I am pulling my hair out! Days are shorter, no daylight in the evenings nor much in the mornings. Work is busier. I need to bushhog, I need to mow, I need to rake, especially ditches for drainage (if it ever decides to rain), I need to sow bermuda and rye grass on fresh ground, I peeled the plastic off my plant shelter as it had dryrotted so now I need to redo that, I need to put up the plexiglas panels on the back porch so I can protect some of the more tender plants, I want to seed some of the flowers that need planting this time of year and I am sure I have forgotten a bunch of things on the "to do" list!
Maybe one of these days....

Danielsville, GA(Zone 7b)

I have become a beliver in news papers,insted of round-up,and seem to be showing better results.Also the "lasazna"beds are what I'm leaning to,especialy in the areas that are "worthless"to mow.I am inspired with the new look,and have friends giving me their old papers,as well as busness places ,there shredded paper.(learn from the ant....),less work more beauty.Mike ie!!!

I will soon have an (after)

This message was edited Sep 30, 2006 9:20 AM

Thumbnail by mqiq77
Thomson, GA

1 - Well, I am working on my 100' daylily bed. I may not get it done before it's too cold and may have to finish it in the spring. I have used newspaper in some of my other beds (just laid it over grass & covered with mulch) and it has worked fabulously!
2- I guess I need to bring in all my tender plants.
3 - I am digging up all the ugly, ugly stuff on either side of my driveway entrance. It has proven to be a much more difficult task than I first thought, but now there's no turning back. Once I see what I have to work with, I'll decide what I will be putting there.
4 - Just got a bunch of spring bulbs, but I'll have to wait a few weeks to plant. I have a couple of areas ready for them that will be so pretty next spring, under a couple of dogwoods.
5- I FINALLY planted the last of my Asiatic lilies last week, about 30 of them. I bought them from a nursery on ebay, and it took forever to get them, but I hope they will do okay. Still have a few blooming from my earlier plantings.
6 - I have been enjoying my late-blooming (due to late planting) dahlias as cut flowers. They are amazing, and are fast becoming one of my favorite flowers.
7 - I picked up a bunch of fallen pears today. The squirrels used to take a lot of them, but my kitty has finally run them all into the neighbor's yard.

Oh, and just enjoying this glorious weather!!

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