Ahhh weather...

(Zone 4a)

How is your fall weather going lately?? I swear we have had 2 weeks of heavy rain with only minimal breaks in between. It has been pretty gloomy fall weather here. I guess this is great weather for the plants I have transplanted this fall. Has it been this rainy where you are???

Peterstown, WV(Zone 6a)

Good Morning, Dawn. We haven't had an over-abundance of rain, but are supposed to get some in a few hours. It' is a 90% chance & will last all day. It's the early frost I don't want to see. We may get some this week end.

I actually had to water flowers & tomato plants yesterday.

Have a Good Day!


Wheatfield, NY(Zone 6a)

Gloomy and rainy here, too. and WINDY. I hate the wind. I still have stuff I need to plant and it's pouring rain right now. Yesterday was beautiful and warm, but I had to work. I skipped out a little early to get some garden time in (shhhhh!).

gram ~a girl~

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