
Caistor, United Kingdom(Zone 8b)


Is there anyone that collects Hosta, that has Hosta 'Golden Teacup' ???

I have been wanting this one for a while now................

Thank you


(Zone 5a)

Hi Mark - I collect hosta but don't have Golden Teacup. There are so many beautiful ones that I buy a few new ones every year - pretty much all the ones I can get my hands on to. Pretty sure my collection isn't much compared to other more accoplished collectors though ;-) lol

They're pretty new in cultivation here and when I saw them first I couldn't belive that something so "exotic" looking could grow here. But they grow very well, although they don't flower consistently. Some don't flower at all, but the foliage makes up for it :-)

This is one of the first ones I got - back in 1998 I think. Has never flowered but grows very well.
Hosta undulata 'Albo-Marginata':

Thumbnail by rannveig

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