vine id - long shot

Dalton, GA(Zone 7a)

I know this is a long shot w/o a pic (don't have a digital camera), but I've been wondering abt this vine in my yard since I bought the house 3 yrs. ago. I asked a couple of people at the local garden ctr and they don't know.

It has heart shaped somewhat glossy leaves. I don't know the term for this, but the leaves do not grow directly across from each other - they alternate along the vine. The largest leaves are abt 3-4 inches across. This time of year it has clumps of small (smaller than a small gree pea) red/orangish berries. I think it's a perennial but I suppose it could be an annual that reseeds. It climbs up my chain link fence and on up into the tall hedge behind it. At my house it's in shade but I've also seen it in sun.

Any ideas on this? Anybody know where I could see pictures of vines on the internet. ?


Stockton, CA(Zone 9a)

Sherry, what color are the flowers and when does it bloom?

edited to add a couple links for you to look at:

This message was edited Sep 26, 2006 3:23 PM

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

You might try posting this on the ID forum too, I've seen a number of things get ID'd over there without pictures so there's definitely a chance someone will know what this is!

Dalton, GA(Zone 7a)

Hi,PM. Sorry it took me so long to get back. Actually, I typed in a response last night then lost it somehow so I got mad and signed off the computer!!! Aaargh!

Anyway, if I remember correctly it blooms in the spring but they are so inconspicuous that you must hunt for them. Also I think they were cream or white.

It's definitely not the vine in the 2nd link even tho the berries are very similar. It's possible that it could be the first one. My leaves are "fatter" than the ones in that pic - not elongated. However, at my neighbor's house the leaves are more elongated than mine. So I don't know, but thanks for the links.

Ecrane3, thanks for the suggestion. Was just 2 lazy to put on both but I will get to it!

(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

Is it Carolina moonseed?

Dalton, GA(Zone 7a)

Yes!! That's it!!! Thank you sooo much!

I had to go outside and open one of the berries and see the seed to be sure bcs some of the leaves in the pics didn't look like mine. And I've never seen as many berries on mine!!! It must need more sun.

Thanks again. This is so great to finally know!

(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

You are welcome. Ü

Stockton, CA(Zone 9a)

Well done Taylor!!! :~)

(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

that was just an easy one for me, since we have it here as a choking weed. We call it something else, lol...many other names, lol...

Stockton, CA(Zone 9a)

lolol well..I am STILL impressed! LOL

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