Anyone have clematis cuttings for other clematis cuttings?

Lindenhurst, NY

I've rooted 1 in water so far and want to try others.

here's what I can send unrooted cuttings of:

Dr. Ruppell (bloomed all summer long)
Either HF YOung or William Goodwin (I forgot which one it is)
Sweet autumn clematis
Not HF Young or Will goodwin - it's a pretty white flowered, sometimes has green strip going down the middle of the petals and sometimes has a lavendar tint. (This is the one that rooted in water after 21/2 months).

All of my others are too new (small) to take cuttings of.

I can also supply lots of rose cutting for your clematis cuttings. If your interested let me know and I'll email you the list.

Lindenhurst, NY

I also have one trade of:

Star of India


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