I've rooted 1 in water so far and want to try others.
here's what I can send unrooted cuttings of:
Dr. Ruppell (bloomed all summer long)
Either HF YOung or William Goodwin (I forgot which one it is)
Sweet autumn clematis
Not HF Young or Will goodwin - it's a pretty white flowered, sometimes has green strip going down the middle of the petals and sometimes has a lavendar tint. (This is the one that rooted in water after 21/2 months).
All of my others are too new (small) to take cuttings of.
I can also supply lots of rose cutting for your clematis cuttings. If your interested let me know and I'll email you the list.
Anyone have clematis cuttings for other clematis cuttings?
I also have one trade of:
Star of India