Salvia recommendations

Cordele, GA

I want to add some salvias to my garden, however I need advice on what to choose. I purchased Indigo spires in bloom in a pot (two of them in fact) and they outgrew my space. One has found another home and I am watching the other as it reachs out to acquire lebensraum eevn after I removed several root cuttings this spring..

Can some one suggest smaller good blue or purple salvias? I will probably set out some Victoria and siblings, but I would like some of the ones with large blooms as well.


Cordele, GA(Zone 8a)

Beth, I've got three salvia favinacea "victoria blue". Come and dig one up a get the lilies I'm saving for you as well. I'm enclosing my screened in porch and the carpenters are trampling all in my flower bed. You'd better hurry before they all get footprints on them.


Cordele, GA(Zone 8a)

Beth, have you tried Gentian Sage, Blue Angel? It has large blooms.

Donna in Douglas, GA(Zone 8b)

Hey Beth
I've got some hardy salvia - purple majesty & forysthia!
Might be in Cordele in 2 wks!

Cordele, GA

That would be great. We will see what I can send home with you. Although right now I have an almighty crop of weeds mostly.


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