Summer's Back!

Gloucestershire, United Kingdom

Aren't we having some glorious Autumn weather. My Dicksonia antarcticas have gone mad, producing many more fronds than other years, and, the Ensete maurelii (Red Banana) is straining under the weight of some enormous paddle shaped leaves. Let's hope this continues well into October. I'm all for as short a winter as possible!

Sheffield, United Kingdom(Zone 7b)

Shhh, don't spoil it. Let's hope the T-shirt weather continues. It is giving all the late sown lettuce and Chinese greens a head start for the winter and the late apples should be lovely and sweet.

Don't you find the banana leaves very delicate and tear easily in the wind?

I'm glad your ferns are doing well. I have quite a few varieties but am always having a battle with self sown ordinary broad buckler, hard fern etc. that have decided to grow in the middle of a path and among some small alpines.

~Does anyone have a good way of getting rid of them as they just keep growing back. They are in a difficult place to be able to dig them out properly.

Lisbon, Portugal(Zone 10a)

The summer's back here too - or maybe Spring is more like it! The weather is simply perfect at the moment - sweet sunshine, not that baking desert sun anymore, lovely 25ºC, a gentle breeze, cool evenings, ooh, delicious!

My petunias seem to think it's way past their time, however! :-(

Gloucestershire, United Kingdom

Hi Pat
Yes, I have to be careful when positioning the bananas, although Ensete seems to be more windproof than some of the Musa varieties. Ferns are a devil to get rid of, and, can spread rapidly on underground runners. I suspect there is a chemical control available, possibly Roundup, which is safe to use.
Well MyHiraeth that sounds like just the sort of weather that I could get used to. I'd love to grow the arid types like Agave and Aloe. Do you see these in your area?

Lisbon, Portugal(Zone 10a)

Hi Prophet!
Yes, I could get use to it myself LOL! The summers here are too long for my taste! And yes, you have both agaves and aloe everywhere. I had an aloe myself, they are beautifull and useful - I always kept a few cuttings in the fridge just in case - for sunburns, zits, rashes, everything! But they get way too big for my balcony... :-(

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