I've got troubles........

Bureau County, IL(Zone 5a)

Last week while weeding, I noticed I had some white flies flying out of some of the weeds I was pulling. Fri, we did more yard work and they were everywhere. I had some plants for my parents place, so last Sat we took them out to plant them. We get there, my dad is looking at the plants and tells me I've brought him white flies. He wasn't happy and says if I want to get rid of them, I need to spray something like Malathion. I haven't used pesticides in years. How do I rid my plants of these? Will the cold kill them all off? I've never had white flies before, so I have no experience here at all.

Any help is much appreciated.


Is your Dad reading this? Tell him hi and no no to spraying just yet!


There should be some good pheromone traps out there too. I wouldn't go for a pesticide this time.

Bureau County, IL(Zone 5a)

Can I use them now or wait till next spring? What's a pheromone trap? Where do I find something like that? On the internet, or will the Ace store carry something like that. I didn't have them last year or even earlier this year, what's up? Something I bought or was given perhaps? Prolly those warty things somebody gave me, huh. :o)

Should I tell him to do a search for white flies when I see him next?? Jeepers, I didn't even think about that. HI DAD!! EQUIL SAYS HI!! LOVE YOU!! now I'm gonna go hide..........

Ha ha ha! Very funny. If that were true, I'd be inundated. Remind me to not accept any gifts from you because I don't have any whiteflies here and I don't want any. A friend had them in their greenhouse though. Sap suckers! Many those things can do damage in a greenhouse. I'm pretty sure they used Orthene which isn't an option for you.

This describes what pheromones are and what pheromone traps do quite nicely.

Ace hardware carries an aphid and whitefly sticky tape brand. That should be fine for now. Knock down as many as you can before they go dormant for the winter.

When's your Dad going to cough up a lousy $15 to join us rather than just reading the forums he can access without subscribing?

Chhhhhhhhhhhhhheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeap! Cheeeeeeeeeeap! Cheeeeeeeeap!

Southern, NJ(Zone 6b)

Give him a guest membership for last year's birthday!

I seem to recall my mother washing the plants with dish detergent solution... or maybe rubbing alcohol... or both? A few treatments to get them all.

Bureau County, IL(Zone 5a)

Now come on Equil, he's not cheap. The only reason he happened onto this site was because of what I told him to put in the search engine. I know him well enough to know he wouldn't be interested in joining up. I told him he could and access areas for free, or if he wanted, I could log in and he could read other areas. Not interested. He's a pretty busy guy.

Who eats these things? These are what we'd call the bad bug, but who eats them? Any thing? Where oh where did they come from? Did anything you bought from Possibility Place have them? This year, I've only bought from them, The Natural Garden, and then you and Kevin gifted me with plants. Oh and I did get perennials from that native plant sale in Schaumburg. But I've only noticed them in the last couple weeks. I haven't bought anything in awhile. I don't know, they've probably been there for awhile by the sheer number of them but I've been busy stripping, staining, polying, painting etc etc..........

notgrnjean, we're talking about almost my whole yard, which isn't a big yard, but still. Not something I'd want to do with every plant. I know they're not only on my shrubs, but on my perennials too. I'm not sure, but I didn't notice any of them in an area out front. I'm sure it's only a matter of time before they attack plants over there, but these things are in the bazillions out back and on the sides of my house. If I could find my hose end sprayer, I wonder about using a soap and water solution and spraying all the foliage with that? Kill good bugs too? They bite too. I got in to remove suckers from a native viburnum to take it back to just one stem, and they were all over me.

John left for Ace and I'd forgotten about getting these yellow traps (out of sight, out of mind). Darn it. Just a couple blocks away, I'll have to run there sometime today. I hope to run there sometime today. I've got painting to get done before the rains come in tomorrow.........


Now come on Equil, he's not cheap.
Shhhh, I was appealing to his competitive side. Let him prove me wrong by joining as opposed to lurking.

I don't have any of THOSE whiteflies over here and I bought a truck load from The Possibility Place. I also have plants from Kevin. Lucky you, you're special. Frogs and toads eat them, yum yum slurp slurp. Put in a pond. I didn't buy from the Natural Garden this year. Maybe them? Maybe something your neighbor bought? Who knows, you've got them though. Knock them back and start doing it fast.

New Caney, TX(Zone 8b)

You might want to Google : Worm castings white fly

I had good results using it on gardenia's with white fly plus hosing them off daily ..

This message was edited Sep 26, 2006 11:49 AM

Bureau County, IL(Zone 5a)

Thank you for the advise on worm castings. I'd never heard of it before, but it's awfully expensive when I've got so much room to cover.

As I figured, my painting took me till 7pm tonight. Ace closes at 5:30. Maybe tomorrow morning before the supposed rain comes, I can get there. I did speak with the neighbor, same side but across the side street, she's got em too. So who knows. She did say she'd been spraying them. I didn't ask with what, I was afraid of the answer. All this while her husband was busy spreading weed n feed. She doesn't have much in her yard, a couple hosta and some daylilies, so my guess, is they came over here to chow down or whatever the heck they do. With the exception of a few plants, everything here is native.

Oh and Equil, I would never say my dad is competitive nor would I say he has to prove anything to anyone. That just isn't his style. I say this because I don't want you turning all blue from holding your breath and all :o)

Naaa, I won't turn blue but is there any way to tease him?

Bureau County, IL(Zone 5a)

Uhhhhh......that's going to take some thinking on my part. And right now, I'm too tired to think.

Bureau County, IL(Zone 5a)

Well, we had endless errands to run and while out, we stopped at many places looking for the yellow sticky trap for white flies. Nobody, I repeat nobody, had them. I ended up ordering them online. Should be here by Sat or Mon.

I wish I would have known. I was just at Stein's and they had a few left on clearance from the end of season. Rats.

Bureau County, IL(Zone 5a)

Are you going back? If so, how much? I'll probably need them for next year also, wouldn't you think? If you're not going back, it's no big deal.

It's only about 15 minutes north of where the kids go to school. I didn't look at the price but they were there and I can't imagine anyone is rushing that shelf. If you want it, speak up now or else they're going to be cleaning the shelves to make way for Halloween and then Christmas.

Bureau County, IL(Zone 5a)


One of our stops was at Menard's. They have CHRISTMAS TREES already UP! Sorry, I'm speaking up again. But honestly, it's more than a month to Halloween yet, and they have Christmas trees, up and lit and decorated?? sheeesh.......

I think there were only two on the shelves. If there are more, do you want me to grab all I can grab?

E-Mail me.

Bureau County, IL(Zone 5a)

What, you don't know how to email me?? Fine, going there now............

That way I can remember to buy them. I know... sounds strange but mornings are frantic around here but I do check the computer before I leave so I write important things on my hand. Can't lose my hand.

Bureau County, IL(Zone 5a)

We're getting out the circular saw tomorrow. You could lose a hand that way if you wanna come help. I also bought more paint, so you can help me paint. I also need to put another coat of poly on the door, you can sand the door before I poly it.

Southern, NJ(Zone 6b)

And when you finish at terryr's, I still have vinca to pull. You can do it with one hand. Two would be better, but one will do.

Don't push your luck. I already broke my hand, broke two fingers, and cut one finger off this year. No circular saws in my future for me but I will get your whitefly traps!

Bureau County, IL(Zone 5a)

How about a mitre saw? We borrowed that today so John can make cuts that are actually straight. Imagine that. Cutting a board and having a straight cut, not too short, not too long, but juuuust perfect.

So, did ya get em??

No. I won't be able to get them until next Monday or Wednesday afternoon. Steins isn't open until 9am and I'm out of that area by 8:05. I'll get them. I doubt there's a run on them at this time of year.

Got em! Both were left on the shelf. You lucky girl you!
Please d-mail or e-mail me your address.

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