did anyone go to mccorkles sale??

Jackson, SC(Zone 8a)

i heard from my sister in law there was a bush type plant that was sold out that sorta looked like a weeping buddlia type thing. its blooms looked like a buddelia bloom but it wasnt a buddelia. it was a tall plant. it started with RA in its name. but thats all she got. she was told there was only like 25 to sell but noticed all the employees had them behind the check out tent. does anyone know what i am talking about?? thanks Marie

Thomson, GA

I went late Sat with a short list ( 'cause I had a small vehicle) and did not take time to shop around much, so I did not see what you are referring to. Besides, they looked like they were ready to get out of there and I felt like a straggler. Wish I could have gone Friday with a pickup!! Got some nice small hydrangeas and crape myrtles, which is what I wanted most of all.

Byron, GA

It could have been Duranta. Google Duranta erecta and see if that's what you saw. I think it is root hardy to zone 8. My son has one and I've been trying to root it.


Evans, GA(Zone 7b)

Yes, I was there on Friday morning but don't recall seeing the plant you refer to. The sale was a little smaller than usual but I still managed to spend over $90 - over half on a beautiful maple. A friend thinks their prices have risen - I was still happy with my purchases.

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