pomegranate help

Lake Charles, LA

My three year old pomegranate tree is lovely and produces beautiful flowers but never has fruit. Its growing in the perfect location but refuses to bare . Any suggestions for my tree? thanks in advance, SDOGWOOD

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

Do you know what cultivar it is? I think some of them are ornamental and only have flowers but don't bear fruit. I don't really know too much about these, that's the first possibility that comes to mind but the other two possibilities are that they need to reach a certain age to bear fruit, or that they fruit better if you have another pomegranate to cross-pollinate with. I don't think pom's are one of the fruits that need that, but like I said I'm not that familiar with them.

Niceville, FL(Zone 8b)

I have a "wonderful" cultivar and it is only about 6 feet tall this year. I got it last year. Anyhow, it bloomed and does have fruit. I do not have another one, therefore it doesnt require another pom. tree. I am not sure what pollinated it, though. I use the fertilizer on it that is specifically for citrus trees.

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

My guess then would be that ssdogwood's is an ornamental one that doesn't fruit then, I know there are several out there that don't fruit.

Houston, TX(Zone 10a)

How old do they have to be before they bear fruit?

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