Honey suckle vine troubles ugh!

(Zone 4a)

Can someone please help me with this. I thought that it was a good idea to put chicken wire on my wooden fence to train the honeysuckle so I tried to weave it in and out of the wire. However it is so very diffcult to trim it this way...it really got stuck in the wire grrrrr. Anyhow how should I let the honey suckle grow??? Any ideas? Will it just grow up the flat wooden fence or does it need training...I am not sure...help.

Appleton, WI(Zone 5a)

I had honeysuckle growing on my chain link fence. I believe it weaved through a couple times like yours did to your chicken wire and that was enough to hold it in place. So to answer your question I would take of the chicken wire and train it to the fence. Mine had wanted to grow straight up so if you want a more horizontal growth habit pull some runners off to the side an tie them.

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