Rose food for lemon trees?

Croton-on-Hudson, NY(Zone 6b)

I have had a Meyer lemon tree for about 15 years. It has good years and bad years. I live in NY so I have to take it inside in the winter. It is a constant battle to keep the bugs off organically, but worth the trouble because it produces delicious lemons. In its good years it has produced fruit as shown in this post at . In its bad years it has lost almost all its leaves by spring, but it recovers after it is outside again.

This summer the tree did not recover as well as usual. I first noticed a strange bug on a leaf that I identified as a Saddleback Caterpillar Moth - - then I had some leaf curling and there was not much growth. I resolved that issue but still, the plants look too sparce for going into the winter.

I think I have not been feeding the plants adequately so I decided to repot with the recommended compost, sandy soil etc. although this is not the best time of year for repotting. I also read that Rose food is a good food for lemons. Has anyone had any experience with this food, especially Scotts Rose Food. Can anyone tell me if this has anything that might not be wise to use on an edible product? I can't find anything locally for citrus and shipping fertilizer is expensive, but I am open to any recommendations for a good, balanced citrus food.

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