Touch me nots

Chatsworth, GA

I live in north georgia, I have a bunch of touch me not seeds and was wondering about the basics. what month is best for planting seeds and how do I care for them?

Cordele, GA

As far as I know, touch me nots are a tender annual. My mother grew them and I think that hers were spring sown directly in the ground. I remember that a freeze would turn them to mush so winter soeing out of doors would not work.

I would suggest either starting in pots in early spring or direct sowing out side when you would sow marigold seed.


Conyers, GA(Zone 7b)

Touch Me Nots grow in our shade garden. They reseed easily and come back every year with no intervention on my part. Other than to pull the seedlings that end up where they are not wanted. I have also collected seed in the fall and stored them in a plastic zip lock bag in the walk space under our house. The walk space is enclosed, so always dry and stays between 55-60 degrees. I think as long as you keep them dry you will be OK. I started the seeds in pots in April and transplanted them to the garden in June. My Grandmother grew Touch Me Nots and I always think of her when they bloom.

I live in Rockdale County.

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