September's Dailly Weather #3, Leaves are turning!

Moose Jaw, SK(Zone 3b)

Thank you for your lovely eye-candy pics kiska! Ü

Another gorgeous day here (and I'm inside working :'( )
73 °F / 23 °C
Scattered Clouds
Humidity: 41%
Dew Point: 48 °F / 9 °C
Wind: 14 mph / 22 km/h from the WSW
Wind Gust: 21 mph / 33 km/h
Pressure: 29.93 in / 1013 hPa
Visibility: 15.0 miles / 24.1 kilometers
UV: 3 out of 16

Rocky Mount, VA(Zone 7a)

68½°(F), 58% - wearing a jacket each marning now, Fall is here.

Millersburg, PA(Zone 6b)

65 degrees this AM, light jacket weeding weather. Highs were 78 this afternoon, a beautiful September blue sky with puffy white clouds and sunshine. Same is scheduled for tomorrow.

Taylor Creek, FL(Zone 10a)

Well it got nippy tonight.
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania
Elevation: 344 ft / 105 m
53 °F / 12 °C
Humidity: 71%
Dew Point: 44 °F / 7 °C
Wind: 8 mph / 13 km/h from the West
High will be 73 tomorrow
Blooms I love your window shots too.
Here's one I took Sunday

Thumbnail by sugarweed
Amelia Island, FL(Zone 9a)

Good Morning! Here's our forecast:
Humidity: 87%
Wind Speed: NW 5 MPH
Barometer: 29.95 in.
Dewpoint: 68°F
Heat Index: 70°F
High 89°F

Well, I found out that the "storm" coming out way was actually a smoke from a fire at Pecan Park Flea Market. We received very little rain.

Here's a sky shot taken yesterday morning with Isaboo (Boo), she loves to perch on the top of the back yard arbor.

Thumbnail by MySharona
Peterstown, WV(Zone 6a)

Ohhh! Sharon! Boo is beautiful! And I Love clouds! :-))

Well, it's 50* in our "sheltered" valley. About 25 miles from here it's 43*! (It's a valley thing)
It's supposed to get into the 70's by the afternoon.

A morning glory for the morning!
Have a Great Day, ya'll! :-D


Thumbnail by music2keep
(Zone 5a)

Good morning everyone! Wonderful pics from you all - really enjoyed the fantastic views! Got back last night from a wonderful long weekend in Copenhagen - the weather was great the whole time we were there 70°F (20°C) and sunny with a nice cooling breeze. We were so hot yesterday that it felt really refreshing to come home to 48°F (9°C) weather!!!! Had enough hot weather to last us until spring I think :-) lol

Well, it's a lovely day here today - overcast, calm winds and 54°F (12°C)

Here's a photo I took on Sunday in Nyhavn, Copenhagen in the lovely summer weather we enjoyed while there. The climate in Denmark seemed a bit tropical compared to what we're used to!

Thumbnail by rannveig
L.A. (Canoga Park), CA(Zone 10a)

Wow, lots of neat pictures this morning! Sidney, your picture is sooo PA, especially that old, grey silo.

(Zone 3b)

The pictures are wonderful and welcome home, Rannveig.
At 7:55 am it's 38 degrees with a high of 51 forecast. The sky is overcast, with rain on the way. There will be few days now that will reach up into the 60s; Todays loss of daylight is 5 min-45 seconds, with total day at 11hrs-52min. In addition, here's some earthquake updates. There are earthquakes daily, but only those more than 2.5 are mentioned. In our immediate area, of under 100 miles, there was a 3.7 and a 2.7. The Tsunami/Earthquake West Coast Center is here in Palmer. It's very interesting to visit and see all the equipment recording quakes all over the world. There is a volcano now beginning to stir 208 miles from Anchorage; Four Peak Mountain. It's been thousands of years since last action. The earth is always moving up here....
Photo of glacier-silt laden overflow along the highway near Exit Glacier.

Thumbnail by kiska
(Zone 5a)

Thanks Kiska, neat photo! Wow - a lot happening up there in Alaska these days! Didn't know you had active volcanoes - do you have any geothermal energy then as well?

The three most active volcanoes here in Iceland (Hekla, Katla and Grímsvötn) are all "brewing", Hekla is ready to blow, the other 2 getting there. It could still be up to a year before she goes ..... they'll know about 30 min. in advance when she'll start. So I'd think twice before hiking up there now! The other two volcanoes are located beneath glaciers so eruptions from them will be accompanied by humongous flash floods. Katla is the greatest threat - the flood from her can go in a number of directions so there is a very large area that needs to be evacuated in about 3 hours. They had a rehersal evacuation this summer that went well - sure hope everything goes as smoothly when the time comes. It's been over a hundred years since the last eruption in Katla and the area is much more populated now with a few villages under threat.

It's been a wonderful day today - it cleared up in the afternoon so now it's sunny and calm and about 54F

This is a photo I took on a trip in May - the glacier in the background (Mýrdalsjökull) is where Katla is situated and the boulders strewn around in the foreground are from a former Katla-flood. It's hard to tell but some of them are really huge!

Thumbnail by rannveig
Moab, UT(Zone 6b)

the low this morning was 44* it's 66* rt now. Hum 34%
Pretty much a repeat of yesterday. No complaints here.

So that snow looking stuff is actually glacier flow? Kinda like a mudflow hunh? The scrub stuff just keeps on growing. Ain't the world a great place? And another volcano being heard from. TY for the update.

Sidney that shot is like home to me. I grew up in the Catskill mountains of southern NY. The country lops across the border into the hills of NE Pa and all over the place are those delightful farms.

Rann, it looks like lots of people were taking advantage of the warm weather along the waterfront. Did you take advantage of one of those street cafes? It looks such a pleasant thing to do.

Moab, UT(Zone 6b)

Rann, we were posting at the same time. Are you living where you'd be affected by any of those outflows? Or hit with one of those rocks? I can see they're huge. You and Kiska, living where the ground shivers. Must be strange.

(Zone 5a)

No, they're all along the south coast so we're safe from them. Hafnarfjörður is actually surrounded by a big lavafield that's a few thousand years old I think. The volcano it all came from is supposed to be extinct - I sure hope it'll stay that way!

We did have danish beer and smørrebrød (openface sandwitches) at one of those cafés (they were so packed it was actually hard to find a table!) after a wonderful guided boat tour of the canals. It was really lovely - felt like it was still summer!

Taylor Creek, FL(Zone 10a)

I so enjoy all of the new and old faces here. Kiska, Rann, Sharon, Blooms, Kelli, Kell, Dyson, Seeds, Melody, Darius, Joey, Indy and Claypa. You all brighten my day. I miss those who get too busy to stop by too.
I love coming over the hill to that silo everyday. Two nights ago I fell backwards and down two steps. My head hit a large pipe sticking out of a hopper and I got a big goose-egg on the head. It has gone down, but gave me quite the head ache.
I was on light duty last night and didn't get to see if I damaged the pipe or not. I bet I atleast dented it!
Here it's big fluffy clouds against a clean cool blue sky.
Here is a vague picture of where I spend my evenings.

Thumbnail by sugarweed
(Zone 3b)

sidney - hope your headache and injury are getting better - pretty scary accident. I've never seen anything like where you work, pretty interesting setup.
Alaska has many active volcanos, but, most are out on the Aluetian Chain, which is barely populated and other than ash, that's the extent of the damage. The eruptions cause problems with flights and that causes the biggest problems. We rely heavily on air-freight for food/dry goods. Travel to and from the state is nearly all by plane. There are so few roads that even in-state travel is done by plane, both small and commercial. When the ash comes, it's necessary to use extra air filters on the car and, when those supplies don't arrive, used nylons/pantyhose work well as a substitute. So far, the newly active ones pose no threat.
10am and 42...

Rocky Mount, VA(Zone 7a)

75.6°(F), 43%, sunny, calm.

I have got to get a better DC & get some good shots of the views on the way home from work.

Sidney - please be carefull, I work in an industrial setting and know what you are up against. Besides, what if they start makeing you cover the cost of the pipes you dent?

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

I love being able to hear about all of the different climates in here!! Rannveig said: "The climate in Denmark seemed a bit tropical compared to what we're used to!" and it was 70°there.... Here in Houston, we walked out of the house during our little "cold front" last week. It was probably 72° and my 5 year old wanted to go back in and get a jacket because she was too cold! LOL

It's a beautiful "fall" day here.. bright, sunny, and 86° with a slight breeze.
Humidity: 34 %
Wind Speed: NE 8 MPH
Barometer: 30.12" (1020.3 mb)
Dewpoint: 52°F (11°C)
Heat Index: 82°F (28°C)
Visibility: 10.00 mi.

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

Yeppers, leaves are a turnin'...

Virginia Creeper

Thumbnail by darius
(Zone 5a)

Yeah Marilyn AND after 3 days of the tropics in 70°F we'd had enough and were really RELIVED to come home to the nice refreshing 46°F!!!! LOL I don't know how you manage! :-)

Sidney I sure hope you're feeling better - sounds like a nasty bump!

Kiska that's really interesting! I've never experienced ashfall here (fortunately) - that doesn't happen often does it?

(Zone 3b)

very pretty darius;
as to ash fall, in the 28 years we've been here, I can only remember a couple of times; if the winds aren't blowing this direction, we don't get it.
3:15pm, 49 degrees w/showers moving around the valley.

Millersburg, PA(Zone 6b)

Sugar - be careful! You know your job is dangerous. LOL I have a son who paints watertowers and bridges, and I keep telling him the same thing.

Leaves aren't turning up here yet. Beautiful fall day - 71 degrees, light breeze, blue and white skies. Rain is coming so will plant grass seed - in the rain - when it gets here. I need to get a truckload of peatmoss to spread on two sections of the garden and till it in. Then I am through for this year.

Moab, UT(Zone 6b)

Careful Sugar, that's not good. No more lumps on the head. Take care.

Darius I think our aspen are just gonna brown off and drop. That cold front and snow did them in before they ever turned yellow. :-(

That stand of cottonwoods down by Hole in the Rock rest area will stil do their golden show. Will be sure to get some pics of them.
Seeds, I like the idea of planting grass seed in the rain.

Peterstown, WV(Zone 6a)

Helloooo! & Good Morning! The temp's 47* and it's very foggy out.

Gees, you all were busy while I was at school yesterday evening! :-)) I had 2 tests & it seemed like final exams ~ it took 1 1/2 hours to take each of them.

Seeds, do be careful!....I used to work @ a factory & I know thath it's quite easy to hurt yourself badly, really quick!. Be safe!

Great pics, peeps (as DD says).

Darius ~ the Va. Creeper is turning here as well. We're supposed to have a great fall color display this year! Yea! :-D

Well ~ Back to school ~ one more test! today & another one Friday.

Have a Great & Safe Day!


(Zone 5a)

Good morning everyone! It's a beautiful sunny day, calm and a crisp 51F at the moment (11:30 am). Wish I could be outside doing the fall chores in this lovely weather. It's my daugter's birthday tomorrow so I have a lot of backing to do and errands to run. Busy day!

Darius the virginia creeper is a pretty red color! It must put on quite a show.

Joey good luck on your tests! Why are there so many tests this early in the school year? Didn't school start in August??

Hope you all have a good one :-)

Benton, KY(Zone 7a)

Beautiful morning...high of 80 expected today. Just a few light clouds in the sky and a light south wind...(blowing in tomorrow's rain)

An observant person can see where the trees are just starting to think about their autumn show. We won't have full color here for about a month. The Sumac has tinges of red, Virginia Creeper is in a transition phase and the Sugar Maples are showing a touch of yellow. Crape Myrtles are starting to turn too.

I'm still getting tomatoes, okra and peppers in my garden. The yard is growing and I need to mow.

It will be about 3 weeks before we get our first light frost if things are normal. I'm ready for the yard to quit growing...we mow 4 acres and with the moisture that we've gotten this year, it's been hard to keep up with.

I love hearing about everyone's in the US and around the world.

(Zone 3b)

This morning brings heavy,gray clouds that have plans for a rainy day. It's 7:58am, 40 degrees but up to the high 40's by this afternoon. Loss of 5 min / 46 sec. The leaves are on the way down. They've peaked and it was a good show this fall. (when isn't fall a good show :)
Getting ready for the b'day will be fun - not tests, though. Bet you're doing really well, joey.
I can hardly wait to see fall photos from your area, melody...

Amelia Island, FL(Zone 9a)

Hi~ Our cable has been out since 6:00am.
Remember when Mt St Helens blew? I lived in Bellaire, TX and we had ash on everything!!! That's a looong way!
Sidney, be careful - lumps on the noggin can be dangerous (how's the pipe?)!
Dyson - I need a new DC as well, mine just isn't taking the pic's I want (maybe it's me?)!
Here's a pic I took going to work! Hopefully it's not too blurry! That's the ocean in the backgound.
Here's the weather 74°F now:
Humidity: 82%
Wind Speed: W 3 MPH
Barometer: 29.92 in.
Dewpoint: 68°F
Heat Index: 74°F
Wind Chill: 74°F
High is 89°F
Have a great day!

This message was edited Sep 27, 2006 12:31 PM

Thumbnail by MySharona
Peterstown, WV(Zone 6a)

Good Afternoon! It's a great day @ 70*, sunny, with white puffy clouds! The Best...

Rannveig, We will have tests all semester ~ the more you have the better your chances for a good grade.

Kiska, My Biology grade (at the moment) is a C (not so good). But the 1st test is always the hardest, 'cuz you don't know what to expect. We have another test in there Friday, & I plan to make an A. I strive for A's, but usually draw a mental blank on some of the tests.
I have an A in all 3 of my Aquaculture classes, so far. Thanx for the confidence! :-)

I think I'll go out & play in the dirt! :-D

TTFN (tata for now) ~ (an old winneh the pooh thing)

Rocky Mount, VA(Zone 7a)

74.7°(F) & dropping, 54%, intermittant cloudyness & bright sun.

Noticed my soaker hose has sprung a leak & needs to be repaired or I will have to get off
my glutimous maximas and start (& finsh) the irrigation project. Just seems there is never enough time.

Alexandria, IN(Zone 6a)

High 74° ........dropping
Got some hail and rain earlier. Come back, summer.

Amelia Island, FL(Zone 9a)

It's 82 right now - had some rain earlier and cooled us off a little.

Alexandria, IN(Zone 6a)

The trouble with a little or lot of rain for the next several months is that it doesn't cool colds down!

Rocky Mount, VA(Zone 7a)

Supposed to turn colder here tomarrow - not looking forward to it.

L.A. (Canoga Park), CA(Zone 10a)

Pretty standard day

Updated: 3:51 PM PDT on September 27, 2006
Observed at: Van Nuys, California
Elevation: 797 ft / 243 m
88 °F / 31 °C
Scattered Clouds
Humidity: 21%
Dew Point: 43 °F / 6 °C
Wind: 10 mph / 17 km/h from the SE

Amelia Island, FL(Zone 9a)

Indy! It's 79.....when does it get cooler??? :)

Thumbnail by MySharona
Amelia Island, FL(Zone 9a)

Good Morning! It's 70 now and very foggy and misty and our high is 89. It's going to be a scorcher today....sweating already!
Temp: 69°F
Humidity: 93%
Wind Speed: NW 5 MPH
Barometer: 29.89 in.
Dewpoint: 67°F
Heat Index: 65°F

(Zone 5a)

Good morning! It's supposed to start cooling down up here as well in the next few days. I can't remember a warmer September ever. Today is my daughter's 8th birthday and it's the first time there hasn't been a killing frost by this time!! The closest we got was a few years back when the first hard frost was two days before her birthday and I ran out and cut a few roses and annuals for a birthday bouquet! Now everything is still growing and I need to mow the lawn!! It's almost October! We've gotten a full month extra summer time here which is just wonderful - especially since June was nothing like summer so I guess it evens out :-)
Ofcourse now we'll get totally spoiled and expect to get such wonderfull fall weather everyear! lol

It's overcast today, intermittent light rain this morning, calm winds and 53°F.

Dyson how's the soaker hose? Could you fix it? I know what you mean - I've still got so much work left that I should have done last spring .... never enough time. Seems the kids take up a lot of time and energy from the gardening! lol But they're so worth it ;-)

MySharona we were posting at the same time. Edited to say - I wouldn't want to trade places with you - I'm almost sweating just thinking about it! I lived in Florida for 6 years and I could never get used to the heat! Was always so happy when it finallly cooled down to some "normal" summer temps. during the winter months. We're not used to sweating up here - it never really gets that hot (fortunately!!!) It's easier to put on more clothes when it's chilly outside :-)

This message was edited Sep 28, 2006 10:04 AM

Peterstown, WV(Zone 6a)

Good Mornin' Everybody! It's 53* here & seems to be pretty nice, but we will have rain ~ a 90% chance of the wet stuff.

Rannveig, Give your little one a hug for me & tell her I wish her a most Happy Birthday!;-))
Mine is today, too, but I've got about 40 years on her. I am glad the weather will be good for her Special Day! This flower is just for Her!

Thumbnail by music2keep
(Zone 5a)

Thanks Joey! And happy birthday to you too!!! Sure hope you have a nice one!!

(Zone 5a)

Here's a rose for your birthday! Wish I could send you the scent as well - you'll just have to imagine it! Have a great day!
Aloha :-)

Thumbnail by rannveig

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