September's Dailly Weather #3, Leaves are turning!

Taylor Creek, FL(Zone 10a)

Well it's been a 'windy' month here at DG, so I feel like we could blow on here. LOL! The leaves here in Pa are still green, but that's gonna change. Summer ends at two minutes after midnight here.
Please stop by often and post all the great pictures you want.
66 °F / 19 °C
Humidity: 50%
Dew Point: 47 °F / 8 °C
Wind: 10 mph / 17 km/h from the SSW
70° F | 57° F
Happy Fall!

Thumbnail by sugarweed
(Zone 3b)

What a stunning photo - thanks for sharing that view.

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

I agree, STUNNING photo!

Rocky Mount, VA(Zone 7a)

66.6°(F), 66% - whats up with all the sixes?

West Pottsgrove, PA(Zone 6b)

Hey, it beats nines! When I was a kid in Maryland, all summer long the weather forecast was the same:
Hazy, hot and humid, high in the 90's, humidity 92%, with a chance of afternoon thunder showers. It was as though there was just the one stock forecast, and they'd only change it if they had to.

Peterstown, WV(Zone 6a)

Ok, I made the "jump" over here. It's 62* & rainin' hard. I was up in the woods when it came :-)), so, yea, me & Jack got soaked! If you'd see me you'd think that I was crazy! :-D I'm dripping wet! Dumb me dries the dog off...but not myself, yet. LOL

Love the pic, Sidney...

Dyson I don't like the look of those 6's!

Claypa, Our entire forecast for the month of August looks like that. :-))


Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

That sounds like our summer forecasts, too, claypa. :-) It has been hot and humid all day today, but the wind is blowing quite hard, so it isn't as bad as it could have been.

Current conditions: Partly Cloudy
91°F (33°C)
Humidity: 57 %
Wind Speed: S 16 G 26 MPH
Barometer: 29.74" (1007.4 mb)
Dewpoint: 74°F (23°C)
Heat Index: 101°F! (38°C)
Visibility: 10.00 mi.

Alexandria, IN(Zone 6a)

It's windy and kind of unsettled around here.

The area in the link below shows some threatening weather.

Peterstown, WV(Zone 6a)

Ewww...Nasty! ~ Indy, you take care!

Millersburg, PA(Zone 6b)

Looks bad, Indy - do take care of yourself and yours.

We have had very consistent lows in the forties and high 30's this week. When it hit 50 I was out rotortilling. I love to turn the soil and amend it in the fall. Then, in the spring it is rich, friable and ready. LOL

Have 8 double red tulips to plant yet then I am done except to identify and eradicate a strange vine that grew here this summer. I have not seen it in the 20 yrs. I lived here. Do we have a weed I.D. forum?

L.A. (Canoga Park), CA(Zone 10a)

There's the Identification forum. It's for any kind of plants, weed or otherwise.

It stayed cloudy all day and only reached about 70F. The wind hasn't started up yet. Now they're calling for it to start in the morning. If it gets windy, it will get fairly hot.

Here's another picture of the Virginia creeper. I've never had it turn color in this spotted fashion before. Only the leaves of the section growing on the ground are like that. Wouldn't it be nice if all of the leaves were patterned like that all of the time?

Thumbnail by Kelli
Millersburg, PA(Zone 6b)

Thanks Kelli.

Here is Pa. Virginia Creeper climbs the telephone poles and turns a brilliant bronzy red in the fall. It is not time yet.

(Edited to add 'Poles") (Grin)

This message was edited Sep 22, 2006 10:49 PM

Peterstown, WV(Zone 6a)

Good Mornin' All! It's a"fall-feeling" 65*. It's not raining now, but is supposed to by this evening. I will do my Best not to be stuck out in it this time (lol)!

Kelli, some of my Va. Creeper is starting to turn "spottie" like yours, some is already a deep red, but the most of it hasn't started to turn color. I was wondering if it might be a disease of some kind...I sure hope not.


Amelia Island, FL(Zone 9a)

Hi everyone! It's 75 now and we'll hit 90 this afternoon. Seems like everyone had a very hot summer. It was almost unbearable here at times.
I'm going to start taking my camera with me on my bike rides so everyone can get a feel for "my" island!! ;)

Thumbnail by MySharona
Peterstown, WV(Zone 6a)

Sharon, Your island looks like an interesting place.

Thanx for sharing & Do send more pix!


Moab, UT(Zone 6b)

Sharon, can you make your pics a little larger.? Such a lovely shot.
Kelli, none of my VC turns that lovely varigated color.
Sidney that's a gorgeous sunset. That's Pennsylvania? Wow.

Low 39*, Now 61, high 65*
Hum 40%
Skies blue with big puffy clouds around.

We got .64 in of rain over the past day or so. brings our Sept total to 1.25
Watching WC and looks likes the folks at the Ky RU might be getting wet.
Flood warnings.

Millersburg, PA(Zone 6b)

Great weather here. High about 72 degrees, off and on clouds. Very pleasant.

Wondering about our folks in the severe weather warning areas and flood watches. Looks like an awful amt. of rain through Tenn, Ark, Kentucky.

Amelia Island, FL(Zone 9a)

Yes, it's 8:19 and it's still 81....sigh...

(Zone 3b)

mysharona: I've never seen anything like the tree in your photo..just beautiful. Do you really live on an Island?
Tonight, at 8:30pm, it's 48 degrees...sunrise was 7:43am and set at 7:52 pm. We're losing more than 5 minutes per day, with today's loss at 5m45seconds. The photo was taken about 7pm this evening as we returned home from dinner.
Hope the wicked weather some are having will pass through quickly.

Thumbnail by kiska
Moab, UT(Zone 6b)

The flood pictures on the WC are horrific. Several states are hit with some major flooding. The area around Lexington looks knee deep on the highway.

Kiska,It seems the days shorten so fast this time of year. I know I keep missing the good light at sunset. Here's this evening's 7pm pic - shows some of the snow on the mountain. The sun set right behind a big old cloud and sorta went out fast.

Thumbnail by BloomsWithaView
Taylor Creek, FL(Zone 10a)

Oh Blooms, that's the best picture. I'll do my desktop with it.
Warm and Florida like night.

Peterstown, WV(Zone 6a)

Howdy! Ya'll! It's 66* & dark. The rain pretty much kept me awake ~ so here I am!. I have a sky-light in my bathroom & had to get up to shut the bathroom door, because it was raining so hard.
Take care, those of you who have had the brunt of the storm!

Blooms & Kiska, Those pix are stunning! :-))

Rocky Mount, VA(Zone 7a)

70½°(F), 85%, for some reason its still dark.

Amelia Island, FL(Zone 9a)

Good Morning! It's 66 and twilight here! How do you figure out how many minutes were loosing a day?
Blooms & Kiska - those pics are gorgeous. I find it so amazing that they are really "real" and people can look out their windows and see those views!
Kiska, yes I live on an island in Northeast Florida. It's really beautiful and I just love living here. I live about 1/2 mile from the beach. The tree is a Live Oak and the majority of them are protected. I have a very large one in my front yard - it's dropping acorns - a little painful if you get beaned by one! I'll get more pics today.

Thumbnail by MySharona
Moab, UT(Zone 6b)

Oh, haha, on me. I was trying to make that an acorn. At first I thought that's a reeeely big acorn... then I see it's got a head. LOL

Low 40, up to 63 already headed for 73 today
Fall is back, will be warming up all week.
Whew, winter is backing off for now.

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

Isn't it fun when we can laugh at ourselves? I have many opportunities but don't do it enough.

The sumacs and dogwoods here are starting to turn, and a few maples. I'll try to get some photos if this rain ever stops and the sun comes out.

L.A. (Canoga Park), CA(Zone 10a)

We didn't ge that wind they were calling for, at least not right around here.

Moose Jaw, SK(Zone 3b)

Gorgeous day here ...............

70 °F / 21 °C
Humidity: 41%
Dew Point: 45 °F / 7 °C
Wind: 20 mph / 32 km/h from the West
Pressure: 30.00 in / 1016 hPa (Falling)

(Zone 3b)

Hi - will take a quick break as we continue to rush to finish up outdoors. It's a beautiful, sunny 46 degrees at 12: 20. Blooms: your photo of the cliffs and area is so pretty. Someday I'd like to go there to see it "in person".
mySharona: Are there lots of turtles, there? It's not a pet, right? As to keeping tabs on loss of minutes per day, it's always on the news and is nearly always brought up in conversations, it's an important part of day to day as we head into the dark time.
Lilypon: 70 will be perfect; and kelli, glad the Santa Ana winds are missing your area.
darius: sounds as if there are fall colors coming your way; no dogwood here, do they turn red?

Thumbnail by kiska
Amelia Island, FL(Zone 9a)

Hi everyone! It's still 90 and humid - it's still summer here!
Blooms - LOL sorry about that! I should have said he was a brief guest!
Kelli - I'm so glad the winds are staying away. That has to be scary. We all have our weather problems don't we?
Kiska - Yes we have lots of turtles, but they mainly stay in the marshes. That little guy got lost and DH had to take him back to the Greenway (a protected area). It's not far from our house. Thanks for the weather info. I'll have to check that out!
Here are some acorns!


Thumbnail by MySharona
Amelia Island, FL(Zone 9a)

Good Morning! Where is everyone?
It's 71°F
Humidity: 87%
Wind Speed: CALM
Barometer: 29.94 in.
Dewpoint: 67°F
Heat Index: 69°F

Nice warm day - chance of thunderstorms - pretty typical for us. Everyone have a great day!
Here's is one of our many "canopy streets".

Thumbnail by MySharona
Peterstown, WV(Zone 6a)

Helloooo! Here's another test to see if it works! (getting agrivated)

Peterstown, WV(Zone 6a)

Good Morning! Everybody! It finally Worked! I have posted on a couple of threads & they didn't work! I was really getting worried ~ thought something was wrong with my "puter". I couldn't even enlarge a picture!

It's 58* & damp, especially when you have to take the "poochie" out 20 minutes before the alarm goes off. I NEED COFFEE!!

Have a Great Day!!


Benton, KY(Zone 7a)

Got in from the Kentucky Roundup yesterday and yes, the storms across our area this weekend were tremendous. 12" of rain was recorded in about a 12 hour span in lots of places, a small bridge was washed out about 3 miles from my house. Lots of folks in low lying areas had to scramble in the wee hours of the morning on Friday/Saturday.

We had a small gathering over on Lake Barkley of DG'rs, and we mostly did indoor stuff this weekend...the squall lines kept passing over and running us inside. We had a wonderful time though.

Lots of fields are still flooded and water is still over the roads in some places. We're under a Flood Warning till 10am...(not Flash Flood though)

Sunday dawned clear and clean...high was in the low 70's...and today and tomorrow will be carbon copies.

Things are thoroughly saturated, so the sunshine is welcome.

(Zone 3b)

good morning, or afternoon depending on where you's 7:45am, 32 degrees, calm and sun's coming up....lots to do today to get ready to fly to Portland, Oregon, on Wednesday for a long weekend.
Love your tree photo;
Sorry about all the flooding-can't imagine that much rain in such a short period of time.

Moab, UT(Zone 6b)

Sharon, love windshield shots... that's what my kids call it when they see one of my going down the road shots. I tell them it's a lot safer now that I have digital than when I had to put the camera to my eye. LOL

I used to live where the trees canopied the streets - now I can appreciate that so much more than as a kid. That one is very reminiscent.

I saw the flooding pictures of Kentucky, terrible. If that kind of rain hit this area we'd all be washed down the Colorado. Here's my windshield shot from yesterday's trip - from the passenger side of my DD's truck. We had a lovely trip up into the mountains. When the road changed to dirt it got a little sloppy but it was still a fun trip.

Thumbnail by BloomsWithaView
Moab, UT(Zone 6b)

woops forgot today's details:
Low 44, Hi 77* Hum 33%
Right now 69* - it's one o'clock already gonna hafta go some to reach 77 today.
Great for digging out the rampant Russian sage. Do not mix this plant in your perennial beds. ouch, my aching back.
Here's where we were headed.

Thumbnail by BloomsWithaView
Taylor Creek, FL(Zone 10a)

Wow Melody, what a bummer for the RU. Gharon I love the Live Oaks and have 3 infront of my house in Jax. They reach across 4 lanes of traffic and have stately Trunks 3 - 4 feet wide.

(Zone 3b)

love those windshield shots and, hmm-just so happens I took a "windshield" shot last weekend down at Seward of Resurrection Bay.
Returning from some errands; it's 1:35pm, sunny and 55 degrees; that's probably going to be the high..loss of 5min-46seconds.

Thumbnail by kiska
Amelia Island, FL(Zone 9a)

It's 90 now and humid, look what's headed our way - yikes! Here comes the "cool front" - we'll be in the 80's! Woohoooooo! We were going to go for a bike ride (so I can tak e some decent pics), but have decided against it at this point :)
Melody - take care with all that rain - has it stopped?
Blooms, your pic is gorgeous - where are you headed? I was on my way to work and took that shot. I keep wanting to stop in the middle of traffic to take the pics! I don't think people would be very pleased with me tho!

Thumbnail by MySharona

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