How do I know when ...

Shelton, WA(Zone 8a)

to take down my sunflowers? Last year when we moved in, right about this time of year, there was one sunflower in the garden. I didn't do anything with it right away and when I finally did, everything was moldy. Yuck!

Sumner, WA(Zone 8a)

Gosh, I'm not sure if there is a rule about when to take them down; however, I can tell you when/why I take mine down.

I wait until the sunflower seeds start appearing and the birds start snacking on the seeds, then start cutting them down. I leave a few up for the birds to eat off of through mid-October.

Of the ones chopped, I generally cut the heads off and lay them out for the birds. The stalks get chopped into sections and composted. I had quite a few sunflowers this year, so started removing them about two weeks ago.

Thumbnail by tiffanya
Shelton, WA(Zone 8a)

Tiffanya -- what do you mean when you say the seeds start "appearing?" I've brushed the "flower" tops off part of one of the heads and the seeds underneath look quite large and well-developed. I hadn't decided whether to try to use them for "people food" or just leave them for the birds. Last year there didn't seem to be any birds interested, so I don't think I can use that as an indication that they're ready.

Moscow, ID(Zone 5a)

I cut mine with a long-enough portion of stem to hang upside down under the eaves on the shed by my garden. When it starts to rain continually, they get funky if they're left on the stem. The birds always find them.

Sumner, WA(Zone 8a)

I just let them naturally "appear" -- i.e., the flower top part of the seeds fall off by themselves. ;-)

I found this on the Web -- it's on Harvesting & Handling Sunflower seeds, by a horitcultural gal:

Shelton, WA(Zone 8a)

Thanks tiffanya. I harvested one of my "heads" today, unfortunately before seeing your post. It looks like I was a bit early, although the seeds I got seem to be plenty big. I'll let them dry naturally for a bit and leave the rest in the garden to continue maturing.

Thanks again for the link -- it will come in handy!

Kalispell, MT(Zone 4b)

I harvest mine so that the heads can dry out before the wet season starts. The seeds at the perimeter will be immature but the central ones will make the birds sing a blessed song. You can dry them in the garage but it works better in the heat of the hot early september sun. Well at least we have that in Montanaa.

Shelton, WA(Zone 8a)

I think we'll be having the last of our heat this weekend. lol I'll probably let them hang around outside until it starts to rain again. That will give them another week or so to dry.

Kalispell, MT(Zone 4b)

Hey Mz W are you coming tomorrow to the swap meet:? I hope to see you. Otherwise I will have to connect when I am visiting my parents this winter in Port Orchard. Steve.

Shelton, WA(Zone 8a)

Unfortunately, no I'm not. I'm picking apples at my mom's tomorrow, and although I'll be driving near the swap I won't be in the area at any reasonable time of the day. Guess I'll have to wait until the next event to meet everyone.

Soferdig, do you spend any time in Kalispell? So far it seems like you've been every where but there! lol

Kalispell, MT(Zone 4b)

When I am in Kalispell I am too busy with honey do lists to talk on the computer. It is only when I am trapped in a city and nothing to do I can DG.

Shelton, WA(Zone 8a)

Ah, so you go home to work, and go to work to get a vacation. Interesting set up. lol

Kalispell, MT(Zone 4b)

Good perspective. I of course work in my garden at home so I guess I am on vacation all of the time. I have my car literally full this morning with plants for the swap and plants I have bought to take home. Fortunatly I have a sun roof so the Dogwood can stretch its neck out while I work today.

Tacoma, WA(Zone 8a)

Aint she a cutie....

Thumbnail by Vizz8
Shelton, WA(Zone 8a)

Pretty flower, pretty flower.

I've been thinking about planting some "ornamental" sunflowers next year, as well as my edible ones. This year I planted a bunch of things just to see how they did. Now I have to make some "production" decisions for next year. I can't grow everything we want because of the climate here, but I'm going to try for as much as possible. I'm just not happy with what I hear about commercial farms anymore.

Sumner, WA(Zone 8a)

very cute!!

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