help with taming?

San Antonio, TX(Zone 8b)

I have received 2 ducks. I posted pics on the thread "help id please". (sorry, don't know how the add the link to this thread)

Anyhow, My wife and I let them out in the backyard from sun up to sun down. They have the full run of the place. Then at night before we put them back in the kennel, corral them into a corner and catch them. Hold them for a little while after they calm down and then put them in the kennel. My wife is anxious for them to get used to us and quit running away and just let us hold them and pick them up without the fuss. hum............... am I making sense hear................... hard to concentrate with all the background noise.

Well, I have tried bread but they won't eat it. I just leave it there on the ground. They don't eat it but the ants are loving it. They do calm down quickly after picking them up, but they put up a real struggle and fight just to catch them. hehehehe, they are adorable!

I too, would like to tame them soon. Enjoying them both me and my dw are but even more if they would get over it and just treat us like family and cuddle with us. Any ideas on how to tame them.


(Nadine) Devers, TX(Zone 9b)

Yep, do what I do..just handle them more often...until they come to you..I don't get in a hurry for them to come to

San Antonio, TX(Zone 8b)

Thanks Moodene,

I guess I have that "hurry up" and "I want it " mentality. I will hold them more and longer.
I have dreamed for a long time about having these animals for pets (better yet family members). If these little ones ever come to me and ask for affection then I would be more than just over joyed. I did not get them as little ducklings, but as 14 or 15 week old ducks. just coming out of a molt and torn from their known flock (family). I guess I am expecting to much to quick.

Antrim, NH

You may find that one is more friendly that the other. I hand raised three chicks this spring. Pandora will come up to me, preen me, sit on my lap, wants to be on my shoulder ( although she is getting heavy for that!!) Butterball will come right up to my feet and take corn from my hand. She will allow me to pick her up, but fusses quite a bit. Oona MacCool is very skittish, she will take corn from my hand sometimes, but will not allow me to pick her up. It's weird. I think it just has to do with individual personalities. But I think you are doing the right thing. You might want to try having a little dish of treats or feed with you when you handle them. Then they can associate you with food.

San Antonio, TX(Zone 8b)

Thaks for the suggestions. I now only have 1 duck and she doesn't run as fast and will get closer to me. I still have to corner her to catch her and hold her, but she calms down quickly, though I think she is still quite nervous to be held. she doesn't take the bread when offered. I am still detimined to love her and bond.


Lumberton, TX(Zone 8b)

I read in a chicken book I got that chickens like cottage cheese -- the author bribes them with it. I wonder if it would work for ducks?

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