tropicals and Mandevilla

Maryville, TN(Zone 6b)

I am new to this but I have a Mandevilla vine that I planted last spring in a big pot under an a arch. It has done well and grown to about 5 feet. What should I do with it when it gets cold? I have a room in my house that is a junk room that i am about to clear out and use as a plant room for my tender tropicals. Thanks in advance for any assistance. Mick.

Lee's Summit, MO(Zone 6a)

You can cut it off the trellis and bring it indoors, but be aware - the white flies and mealy bugs are just waiting for you. Get some neem oil for the white flies, place a layer of sharp sand over the top of the soil, and Bayer shrub and tree systemic will take care of the mealy bugs and scale bugs. Now is the time, BEFORE you bring your plants indoors, to use the systemic. It will last for 12 months.

Maryville, TN(Zone 6b)

Thanks for the advice. I'll take it and bring it in before heavy frost.

Ingleside, TX(Zone 9a)

Oh lordy! Kay is soooooo right about the white flies and such. I brought 2 mandevillas home..put them in the ground here..doesnt get real cold and certainly doesnt stay that way for days and days!..Anyway, between the whiteflies and japanese beetles, I dang near blew a gasket! I used the Bayer Advanced first..NO luck..I read books..swatted at them...Finally, someone told me about Neem Oil. Thought why not! Tried everything else.Well, in combo of the Neem and some of those sticky fly tape trap things..My flie and beetle infestation is over..But you think they will come back? What should I do? My mandevillas live outside on the South Western side of the house. I cant bear to lose any of my babies! Help!

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