Old footage but worthy of a peek

This is rather dated but about half way through the footage, you get to see the trapping mechanism in action which is the same today as when first taped.

I think you will like it-

OMG! That film brought back so many good memories! When I was a kid, my dad, a U.S. Army chaplain, would have a service every Wednesday night at the chapel. He would show one of the Moody Science films and then we would have 'singspiration'. It was my very favorite church experience. Interestingly, I did not remember these films having any kind of religious overtones at all. I just remembered the science part. But maybe this is why (other than the fact that I was obviously brought up by enlightened parents) I have never experienced a conflict between science and religion. In fact, I read Google's description of the Moody Science films as having an 'ulterior motive', and I was actually miffed! I don't see their motive as ulterior or hidden in any way. Now I hope they have City of the Bees, my favorite moody film!

Oh my gosh! They have the entire thing!! I am so excited!!

Are ya doing your happy dance?

Just teasing with you.

I remember these flicks and I don't recall any ulterior motives. Perhaps there are subliminal blurbs in them that we aren't registering? I'll go watch it again. Not that I would catch anything but maybe if I am looking for it and focused, I'll catch something.

I WAS doing my happy dance! How did you guess?

To know you is to love you!

I watched that flick again and I'm not seeing any subliminal flashes but then again, what do I know.

Yeah, there is nothing subliminal or subversive about these films. It's just that they guy has the nerve to say the words 'science' and 'God' in the same paragraph.

Oh Horrors! Say it ain't so!

Yep. It's so. He has the nerve to consider science the study of God's design. We better not go there on here because we're getting close to the taboo subject!

If you do the google search on 'Moody institute', you'll find all their great films! Classics if there ever were any!

Oh My!

Thumbnail by Equilibrium


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