wanted: glycyrrhiza yuannansis

Burwash Weald, United Kingdom(Zone 9b)

I have been looking for seed for glycyrrhiza yuannansis for several years now. Does anyone grow this, or know of a seed source? many thanks, Laurie

Lincoln, United Kingdom(Zone 8b)

Hi Laurie,

Never heard of it but sounds interesting. What does it do?


Burwash Weald, United Kingdom(Zone 9b)

Mike - I don't know what it does, sits there and grows I guess. I think that is the best question anyone has ever asked me about a plant - I have images of them all having secret careers that I don't know about! What a wonderful idea. I think flag iris' are definately the lawyers!

I saw it in a border grown amongst medium height golden grass - the seed pods were large, oblong, and dark maroony brown. Look just lovely. Would like to find it to take up a position in my new hot bed - pay would have to be modest to start with, but it can have all the bonemeal it can consume.

Sorry, I'm taking the mick, but it just conjures up such a great image for me. Many thanks, Laurie

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