2 more clematises....

(Zone 4a)

My father in law can be such a sweet guy. He knows I love clematis so he bought me 2 more of them today to add to the 4 I already have!!!!! I just can't wait to see what they do next spring....yippeee!!! That is IT NO MORE PLANTING for me LOL!!!!

Appleton, WI(Zone 5a)

For now right!

Do you have a Sweet Autumn? I always liked that one.

(Zone 4a)

No I don't. It isn't for my zone unfortunately. I would have oodles of them otherwise cause they are GORGEOUS!!!! Right now I have 3 of The President, 1 Jackmanni, a comptess de bouchard, one one that looks like nelly moser but it isn't that one. All pink and purple flowers! My fav's!!!

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