Mexican Potato Vine

TAYLOR, TX(Zone 8a)

Have any of you heard of a "Mexican Potato Vine".... has large green leaves, no blooms necessarily, but actually puts on potatoes that hang from the vine itself above ground.

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

I'm guessing one of the Dioscorea's, a couple of them have the common name Air Potato. Never heard them called Mexican potato vine, but the description fits (although you may not get it narrowed down to a species unless someone else comes along who's heard that used as a common name for one of these).
I also googled Mexican potato vine, and it came up with a reference to this plant as well, although I don't know if it has the potatoes like you're talking about and the Air potatoes are definitely a more common plant

Beaumont, TX(Zone 8b)

I found this reference on the first link above in the Plant Files:
Wild Mexican Yam, Barbasco, Colic Root
Dioscorea mexicana

I have potato vines growing in my yard. The potatos range from tiny to pretty big (tennis ball size). The vine needs alot of space to climb. It will wrap back on itself if there's no where up to go.

If this photo shows up, this is looking straight up at a potato. I've had mine for several years and never seen any blooms.


Thumbnail by UniQueTreasures
TAYLOR, TX(Zone 8a)

Thank you for your help. I have relayed the information to our Aunt. Not so sure she will want to grow this in Bay City, TX where there is so much humidity and rain. But we'll see.

Thanks again.


Beaumont, TX(Zone 8b)

I see that the photo didn't show up. Maybe it will today. (crossing fingers!)


edited to add:

Well that didn't work either. I've seen other photos posted today. I'll try again later.

I would like to add that though the plant has a "mind of it's own", I do keep the potatos and try to put them where I want them the next year. I like the way the heart shaped leaves make arches, etc. Sometimes the taters drop though and I don't find them until the plant has already begun to "do it's thing". I usually can find something to stake it up with. If not, I don't mind pulling it up if it's in a bad place because I know I have more of them. We started with about 5 taters that someone from hubby's work gave him about 5-6 years ago. I've always had people ask me what it is because it's a pretty vine.

This message was edited Sep 18, 2006 10:01 AM

Thumbnail by UniQueTreasures
TAYLOR, TX(Zone 8a)

Would you have some potatos from the vine that you would be willing to share? I am willing to pay postage to get some for our aunt.


Beaumont, TX(Zone 8b)

Hi Louanne,

I'll be happy to. Where is Leander? I've been in Texas for over 40 years and am not familiar with that town.

I've already had to pull some small marble and pea size taters from a plant that needed to be moved after it had overgrown it's spot. I had made a bottle tree, but I didn't do as great a job of securing it as I thought I had. I intended the "tree" for support for a potato vine that was already growing close by. The weight of the vine caused the "tree" to lean a bit. With hurricane season upon us, rather than taking a chance on losing my colored bottles, I took them down and am now waiting on my DH to cut the "tree" off a bit and "plant" it for me.

I've also learned that the leave will cover the colored bottles. Live and learn!

As soon as the one on the back deck starts to drop them, I'll keep some for you. Don't worry about the postage. Just send me a Dmail with mailing info and I'll be happy to share them, as soon as the bigger ones fall.


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