built a terrarium today

Oviedo, FL(Zone 9b)

Today one of my friends and I worked our way through our presentation for our garden club on terrariums. I helped her build one out of plants from her yard. We put is a couple of ferns, a violet a couple of nameless plants and some moss in a large old goldfish bowl i had. It looked pretty neat. We also worked on what we would do for the presentation. It was a great day!

Walpole, NH(Zone 5a)

Sounds like you and you friend had lots of fun, thats what gardening is all about. Do you have a picture

Wheatfield, NY(Zone 6a)

yes, Martha, pic please? it does sound like fun. and you found small enough things right in her yard to do it? that's cool.

Oviedo, FL(Zone 9b)

yes. she has a really shady back yard. There were lots of the violets and one of her ferns had reproduced all around the bed it was in so there were about a dozen small fernlings to choose from. She also has great pachysandra which was about to bloom. we found some new sprouts that were small enough. I will have to get a picture from her this week. It is still over at her house.

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