Question About Clematis "Candida"

Long Island, NY(Zone 7a)

I planted a clematis "Candida" last year and it has done beautifully. It's supposed to bloom in Spring, and then again around September. The Spring bloom was spectacular! But it has not bloomed since. Not even a single bloom. The vine itself looks wonderful. It's green and vigorous. It's planted on the East wall of my house in the rose garden and gets about 5-6 hours of morning sun a day. I water it when the roses are watered, and other than that don't do anything else to it. I suppose it gets some rose food when the roses are fed, but not intentionally. I did dead-head the spent blooms in Spring. Any ideas why it hasn't bloomed for me again??

On a more positive note, the "Arctic Queen" I planted this Spring, which I thought had died, has sprung back to life! Thanks to everyone who advised me to just leave it alone and see if it comes back. It certainly has!!

Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

Karen...congrats on your clematis!!..Your Clematis "Candida", of which I planted two this past Spring are pruning group 2...Always fertilize with either some Rose Fertilizer or Tomato Fertilizer in early spring and after it's first flush of blooms are over and will bloom again later in the season..I treat all my Pruning group2's like 3's..Hard Prune their first season in my garden and then after that treat it like it should be...a Pruning group 2..remember that a newly planted clematis won't always act as they should..they are the "Sleep","Creep" and then "Leap" vines and will bloom and perform better as it matures...Hope this helps...Jeanne

Long Island, NY(Zone 7a)

Thanks Jeanne!! Sorry it took so long to respond to this!! : ) I'm going to give it a good pruning early Spring, and see what happens this year.

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