
Dalton, GA(Zone 7a)

I have got to try composting again bcs I can no longer afford the expensive soil ammendments I've been using. But I tried it before and the pile never heated up. Had browns and greens, added different things the garden center recommended (products that are supposed to get your compost pile going) but it never heated up and it was a goodsized pile.

Have read both complicated instructions and advice that says just start throwing browns and greens in a pile.

The only thing I didn't put in it was food scraps. (Too lazy to walk to the corner of the back yard when I could just put them down the disposal!) Would that make a big difference?


West Pottsgrove, PA(Zone 6b)

Maybe not a big difference, but it would help...DO NOT BE DISCOURAGED!!!
Make sure you turn the pile over, maybe more frequently than you have been, cut, mow, chop, or grind up any larger stuff you put in...the worst thing that could happen is it will take a few months longer than it would if your pile heated up... Some times mine goes cold inexplicably, but it will still help my soil whenever it's done...sorry for yelling

I don't care what anybody says, putting food down your disposal is a waste of future soil, and it might clog your drains anyway. I just keep a little plastic shoebox next to the sink and dump it everyday or two

Dalton, GA(Zone 7a)

The reason I need it to heat up is that I put lawn clippings in it and my "lawn" is mosttly weeds so I want to make sure any seeds are killed.

Are food scraps considered green or brown?

Discouraged or not, I know I have to do it. Just having trouble getting motivated after failure last time.

Kalispell, MT(Zone 4b)

The only way to get motivated is get naked and roll in the pile and sing songs to mother earth, and it is best if you do this on an equinox. LOL I can't imagine why you have trouble down there other than not enough moisture in the pile. Montivoni songs speed up the process. LOL

Dalton, GA(Zone 7a)

Too bad I can't sing! LOL

I did water the pile every once in a while.

Kalispell, MT(Zone 4b)

I have to cover and water here at least every week and soak it for an hour to get it going. Our air is too dry down where you are your humidity should keep it moist. Got me at what to do. I would talk to a gardener who composts and find out your local secrets.
Here is my pile.

Thumbnail by Soferdig
Pittsburgh, PA(Zone 5b)

Ok I'm a total newbie at this, but I've gotten 2 piles cooking now so here's my thoughts - we had a big fat nothing happening for months until I added 1. 5 gallons of coffee grinds from the local coffee guy, and 2. threw in some compost from a "professional" we had bought. I've read that that adds some of the bacteria needed to get things going. I don't turn that often, maybe 2 times per week. I add 5 gallons of coffee and filters everyday, food scraps everyday and grass clippings when I can get them. I'm looking forward to leaf season! Bascially that will either help ya or is totally useless! LOL

Pittsburgh, PA(Zone 5b)

Oh and we are adding shredded paper now as well as all the worms my husband and baby can dig.

Dalton, GA(Zone 7a)

Ok, I'm going to try the coffee grounds thing and food scraps. Will have tons of oak leaves soon.

Turning it twice a week would be hard on my back. I had read to do it once a month. Do most people turn it that often?


Lumberton, TX(Zone 8b)

The equinox is only a week away -- so everybody get those privacy fences repaired!

Stansbury Park, UT(Zone 6a)

Fristyard~ I just started to make my own compost this year. I use my neighbors coffee grounds and also kitchen scraps. My neighbors think I am weird to ask for things like that. LOL I also turn my pile at least 2 times a week. I notice that the heat will start to cool down and all I have to do is put in more scraps and add moisture and the pile heats up again. The bulk of my pile is made up of grass clippings, shredded leaves and shredded newspaper. It has been working for me. So far I have 3 successful piles!!

I am making a pile right now that has small shredded twigs and shredded bark plus the other stuff mentioned above. The twigs and bark seem to help with the oxygen in the pile. Since I use a lot of grass clippings I needed to break up the grass so that it wasn't clumping up so bad. You need oxygen and moisture and the only way to get that is to turn the pile every couple of days. Do you have someone that can turn the pile for you? I think that is the reason you are having problems.

good luck!!


Dalton, GA(Zone 7a)

It would be hard to get someone to do it even twice a month. If I make the pile smaller this time I might be able to do it. I didn't know that turning kept it hot but I can see it now. Thanks!

Kalispell, MT(Zone 4b)

Ha ha ha ha. That is good brigidlily. "Oh mother earth come warming my little compost pile Let your sunnnnnnnn shine down on my worms. La La La"
I turn my compost once monthly (large ground system) If you have a tumbler then every few days speeds up the creation of dog poop compost.

Citra, FL

If youre anywhere near a horse farm, head over there and ask if you can take some of their horse manure. Im sure they'll be thrilled that you asked, and nothing will get that pile heating up any better than that.

Kalispell, MT(Zone 4b)

I found over 8 yrds of composted piled sawdust and cow manure early this week now only to get it home. I found a bobcat nearby who will let me use it and I am building a dumping trailor to keep me from getting too big of muscles. LOL
this is it but I now am building a bed to dump from the winch above lifting the bed.

Thumbnail by Soferdig
Thornton, IL

Ok, I'm going for it! Privacy fence is up, pile of leaves and grass clippings in place, getting ready to dump old bagged leaves on top. Yes, I saved them up in a big ole plastic bag. I added some compost/topsoil and plan to add coffee grounds and eggshells. DH brought me some old chicken wire, I'll ask him to make a frame for it. Then, LookOut! We're going to toss and turn all night! That should do it. Or at least be a fun time. We don't get out much.

Kalispell, MT(Zone 4b)

Yes but it is more fun to not have a privacy fence. We people here in Montana do the natural all the time. like here at our private swimming pool. LOL

Thumbnail by Soferdig
High Desert, NV(Zone 5a)

You just missed World Naked Gardening Day! September, 9... though i don't know why it should only be once a year.


Mark your calendars for next year!

Lumberton, TX(Zone 8b)

What a shame to have missed that! I probably did get at least partially undressed that day (I seem to remember having to rinse off in the hose) but didn't dance that I recall...

Caistor, United Kingdom(Zone 8b)


Thornton, IL

brigidlily - good one! Does naked from the knee down count? Trust me, no one wants to see that.

San Francisco Bay Ar, CA(Zone 9b)

do wet tee shirts count? like when you hose your whold body off on a hot day?

Caistor, United Kingdom(Zone 8b)

To cold in the UK to do that......................... LOL

Lumberton, TX(Zone 8b)

If it's too cold, you just have to dance more! ;D

Well, I suspect the world could get by without ever seeing me naked -- I try to defy the laws of gravity but at my age it's a felony. Why do y'all think I have a privacy fence!?!?!

PrairieGirl, a little naked is better than no naked at all. garden_mermaid, only if the t shirt is the only thing you have on.

I'd better stop before I get deleted by the DG gods.

Kalispell, MT(Zone 4b)

They delete me all the time so I am not going to say anything. Dum Du Dumm.......

San Francisco Bay Ar, CA(Zone 9b)

Ah ha! So that's why your post says "click the image for an enlarged view" yet there is no photo to click? No strategically placed maple leaves or branches?

Thornton, IL

ROFL. He's probably not that modest.

Kalispell, MT(Zone 4b)

I respect all of the choices that DG does. It is just that the picture was "according to my understanding" innocent. Who knows. I suppose DG doesn't want children jumping off rocks into the water.

San Francisco Bay Ar, CA(Zone 9b)

was that the same photo of pale orbs that later became rosy buns?

Kalispell, MT(Zone 4b)

I have already forgotten what I posted. I am aging and my memory is affected.

Thumbnail by Soferdig
San Francisco Bay Ar, CA(Zone 9b)

Middle age is 60 years of age. I don't think you're there yet Steve........you have a longs way to go until you're fully composted! :P
All that multi tasking and traveling may be the culprit affecting the memory. Aggravates the vata dosha (wind energy). Didn't you say you had built a sauna? Stay moist and warm and enjoy the peace of the garden. Does wonders for the memory.
Good for compost too.

Kalispell, MT(Zone 4b)

Oh that's right I was going to build a sauna. Thanks GM. Now where did I put the logs I cut this spring for the banya? Hummmmm?

Kellyville, OK(Zone 7a)

Hey, Steve, looks like that lawn mower finally decomposed.

Kalispell, MT(Zone 4b)

No I put it in the large garden shed composting area.

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