Petals from the past

Cordele, GA

While I was in Birmingham cooling my heels between Mother's test and her surgery, I went to Petals from the Past in Jemison, AL. I found it to be a very nice place with quite a good selection of plants. They have a small, but well planned display garden (I wish that my beds were that well planned and grown). The folks there are both well informed and pleasant. I anticipate ordering from them after seeing the operation first hand.

I also found (courtesy of my brother, who pinches nickles until the buffalo squeals, a backyard grower who runs his place on the honor system. He works at another job and expects people to pick out what they like and leave a check for him in a large mail box. His selection is a little limited, but he has wonderful prices. This is where I picked up the 'Wellborn lily' that I am trying to get an ID on. This nursery is listed as "Hazel's" and is near Calera I think. I can double check if anyone is interested in dropping by there.


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