Garden planning during winter

Spring City, TN(Zone 7b)

I know that I will be an easy mark this winter for any online retailer that sends me a "sale" flyer. During the summer I managed to "buy" $400 worth of plants that will arrive this fall for planting, pay when it ships options are dangerous . But every one a bargain and something I wanted, but.... I had no idea I had spent that much.... Sheepishly here. So how do you RESIST those beautiful colors and interesting foliage when the temps outside prevent you from BEING outside, hot or cold?

Also, does anyone else have a "journal" or book you keep of what you've bought, where it's located, how it does? I know this forum has an electronic journal, but I was thinking of stapling or taping plant tags to cardstock and placing in clear plastic sleeves in a 3-ring binder so I will be reminded next year, come buying time, what did, or did not, work in the garden?

Lonoke, AR(Zone 7b)

Wayeh....the only thing that has put a stop to my buying is the fact I have no greenhouse. So maybe that will be my secret...NEVER get a greenhouse! I know, this has been my first year too...and I truly just went crazy. Instead of thinking in terms of how to improve my house...I am thinking in terms of how I can improve it to accomodate more plants! And yet....I keep wanting more! I can't stand to see any plant just tossed aside or let go. So I totally understand how easy it is to run up $400 worth!

I started a journal of sorts for myself. I took a binder and am putting drawings in there I did myself (no one else could probably understand them!) of my yard and where things are at. I printed out the information on plants and seeds that I have from using the plant files. I also saved the id tags from plants bought. It has really helped me to keep it all together and to realize "No, I dont need that new plant"


Spring City, TN(Zone 7b)

You mean if I get a greenhouse, I can buy in the winter!!!!!! LOL, no, tell me it ain't so!

Seriously, I was considering a greenhouse but then I have the problem of heat and lights.... and me with a huge walk-in basement. Yeah, I'm already looking at lights and plastic to contain humidity and..... sigh, this is not going to completely stop in the cold weather, this obsession of mine...

I am lucky in the sense that winter is my busy season with the dogs -- we are training for a 100-mile dogsled excursion and every morning it's below 50 degrees, and especially below freezing, than I am training dogs. But the WARM winter days are going to be really hard to resist those email flyers...

Send no money now! Will bill when we ship in the spring.... shaking my head. Nasty devils, those internet gardening companies!

Moscow, TN(Zone 7a)

Winter is my time for building new beds and other garden construction. It's cool, no weeds so lasagna gardening is easy, and no bugs. In Jan / Feb I start my seeds and that usually keeps me busy until the season starts in March. I have a journal about my plants, sources, and trades. It's nice to look back and see what I used to have but did not work out well.


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